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World's Universal Gallery (Sonic Screwdriver 1/18)


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The starfield is superb. Not a lot you could do to improve it really.

The nebula is fine but you could try adding one or two small planets in the foreground to give the image more depth.Not big planets, that would take the focus away from the nebula. I think I have a nebula/planet pic in my gallery that would give you a better idea of what I`m getting at. :wink:



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

And my Alternatives to PDN

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The starfield is superb. Not a lot you could do to improve it really.

The nebula is fine but you could try adding one or two small planets in the foreground to give the image more depth.Not big planets, that would take the focus away from the nebula. I think I have a nebula/planet pic in my gallery that would give you a better idea of what I`m getting at. :wink:



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

And my Alternatives to PDN

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The starfield is superb. Not a lot you could do to improve it really.

The nebula is fine but you could try adding one or two small planets in the foreground to give the image more depth.Not big planets, that would take the focus away from the nebula. I think I have a nebula/planet pic in my gallery that would give you a better idea of what I`m getting at. :wink:



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

And my Alternatives to PDN

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The starfield is superb. Not a lot you could do to improve it really.

The nebula is fine but you could try adding one or two small planets in the foreground to give the image more depth.Not big planets, that would take the focus away from the nebula. I think I have a nebula/planet pic in my gallery that would give you a better idea of what I`m getting at. :wink:



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

And my Alternatives to PDN

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The starfield is superb. Not a lot you could do to improve it really.

The nebula is fine but you could try adding one or two small planets in the foreground to give the image more depth.Not big planets, that would take the focus away from the nebula. I think I have a nebula/planet pic in my gallery that would give you a better idea of what I`m getting at. :wink:



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

And my Alternatives to PDN

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@angel_sara533--thanks for mentioning it. I thought it was just in the realistic section, but it seems my hyperlinking has gone awry. I'll get right to fixing it :)

@HELEN--Yeah, it's really hard for me to find time to work with PdN with college looking and schoolwork to do, but playing around with PdN is one of the best ways to calm myself down and be creative ;)

@Goonfella--I was originally planning to add something to it, but I decided against it. I would just be recycling planets from the Medusa Cascade anyway, because coming up with new ones would just make me create another WIP :lol: Although a spacescene with my newly formed galaxies..now there's an idea worth thinking about :idea:

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@angel_sara533--thanks for mentioning it. I thought it was just in the realistic section, but it seems my hyperlinking has gone awry. I'll get right to fixing it :)

@HELEN--Yeah, it's really hard for me to find time to work with PdN with college looking and schoolwork to do, but playing around with PdN is one of the best ways to calm myself down and be creative ;)

@Goonfella--I was originally planning to add something to it, but I decided against it. I would just be recycling planets from the Medusa Cascade anyway, because coming up with new ones would just make me create another WIP :lol: Although a spacescene with my newly formed galaxies..now there's an idea worth thinking about :idea:

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@angel_sara533--thanks for mentioning it. I thought it was just in the realistic section, but it seems my hyperlinking has gone awry. I'll get right to fixing it :)

@HELEN--Yeah, it's really hard for me to find time to work with PdN with college looking and schoolwork to do, but playing around with PdN is one of the best ways to calm myself down and be creative ;)

@Goonfella--I was originally planning to add something to it, but I decided against it. I would just be recycling planets from the Medusa Cascade anyway, because coming up with new ones would just make me create another WIP :lol: Although a spacescene with my newly formed galaxies..now there's an idea worth thinking about :idea:

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@angel_sara533--thanks for mentioning it. I thought it was just in the realistic section, but it seems my hyperlinking has gone awry. I'll get right to fixing it :)

@HELEN--Yeah, it's really hard for me to find time to work with PdN with college looking and schoolwork to do, but playing around with PdN is one of the best ways to calm myself down and be creative ;)

@Goonfella--I was originally planning to add something to it, but I decided against it. I would just be recycling planets from the Medusa Cascade anyway, because coming up with new ones would just make me create another WIP :lol: Although a spacescene with my newly formed galaxies..now there's an idea worth thinking about :idea:

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@angel_sara533--thanks for mentioning it. I thought it was just in the realistic section, but it seems my hyperlinking has gone awry. I'll get right to fixing it :)

@HELEN--Yeah, it's really hard for me to find time to work with PdN with college looking and schoolwork to do, but playing around with PdN is one of the best ways to calm myself down and be creative ;)

@Goonfella--I was originally planning to add something to it, but I decided against it. I would just be recycling planets from the Medusa Cascade anyway, because coming up with new ones would just make me create another WIP :lol: Although a spacescene with my newly formed galaxies..now there's an idea worth thinking about :idea:

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  • 1 year later...

....(Peeks around the corner)

Hello everyone! It's been well over year since I've been active on the forums, so to briefly introduce myself to any new members since then: My name is Worldnewser, and I like making Space/Realistic art in Paint.NET.

For people who remember me from way back when: Hi! It's been awhile! I don't want to make a short update notice longer than it is, so if you want to see why I've been gone for so long, I wrote a journal on my deviantART page. Long story short, I'm back, and I'll be pumping out work somewhat regularly. And I will try to become active in the forums like I once was, although with college in front of me there's no real guarantee. (It's amazing; I joined in November 2007 and have yet to break 1000 posts XD)


Anyways, update time: My new piece of work since I returned on Paint.NET. The Tenth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver!


It's been such a long time since I've touched Paint.NET, so I'm a little rusty. However, I think I've still got it. Comments and constructive criticism appreciated :D

(If you don't know what Doctor Who is, wiki it. It's a great show and I highly recommend it :) )

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