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The Pictorium! Post your created or edited images here!


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I finally finished my Missle Bliss thingamabob, by adding some motion blurrs and even an explosion! But it still needs work. For some reason the explosion seems like it's on the hill, instead of behind it. I'll do some tweaking. They can be found here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... =9446#9446.

If you made or will make any good parodies, post them there.


Sig edited by Rick: Picture is way too big. Please fix.

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mmm btw....here is a picture that i finished today! (its done with the inirect colloring tutorial =) )


I know the hands, the background, the eyes and the hair are rubbish....but i guessed that mybe you guys could help me out no? =/

Thnks =)

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Hate the god dam hands -.- and it face -.-

Argh......dam...i shall improve it......maybe som day i'll post a little tutorial about how you can more easily do an more or less anime picture =P

The problme is......i'm toooo lazy xD

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Ahn! sweet! i was guessing how you did that! now i know! ^^

Btw! here is a pic that 1\ finished 3min and 14 seconds ago


I improved the hands the hair and now there are more details.......

i buess i must improve a bit more the hands, the hair but now more than ever i need to improve the eyes...i really hate them there........and i soukd make a nice background someday too =/

What you think? coment it!

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hey, I just finished my site:


does anyone know a better host without pop-ups?

50megs.com. Also, if you need more complex code on your website, I can code that kind of stuff =D.

Anyways, I made this at random and its nowhere near finished. I need to update the tectures a great deal on the sun and the earth still, and there are some bugs in it like the land mass hitting the horizon.


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The earth is fine, the Sun is a bit.....well....strange...and to the space....try do add another layer and paint it black, then play with it transparency....depends on if you more or less stars =)

(mmmm what you think of my little drawing? =/)

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