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PDN Tips and Tricks

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Pls can you say me how do you make ur own signature pls which software


Read a lot here and practice a lot. It also helps if you know how to use a photo editing program.

PDN gives you the addition of "layers" and a whole lot of "effects". Some people pick it up right away.

Others just can't figure it out. :wink:



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I think this what you're looking for:


But in the future, use the search feature, and if that really finds nothing useful, make a new thread under General Discussions and Questions.

If you were just asking how to make signatures, start by reading tutorials and following them.

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  • 1 month later...

Added this in because it will probably turn out to be useful for people:

I was wondering if it is possible for PDN to be able to read custom Adobe Color Swatches. Sometime I use kuler.adobe.com to create a color scheme.
Just go to the "View Color Values" on the Kuler site, copy the hex values, and paste them into a .TXT document, one per line. Load it as a color palette.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Added this in because it will probably turn out to be useful for people:
I was wondering if it is possible for PDN to be able to read custom Adobe Color Swatches. Sometime I use kuler.adobe.com to create a color scheme.
Just go to the "View Color Values" on the Kuler site, copy the hex values, and paste them into a .TXT document, one per line. Load it as a color palette.

nice tip, thanks for the point out :D

deviantART | Paint.NET Gallery | bennettfrazier.com <-- (My new Website!)


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Some old tips just a reminder :

1-To draw an exact squire press and hold the Shift key and draw the squire using the Rectangle :RectangleTool: from the Tools list

2-To draw an exact circle same thing but using the Ellipse :EllipseTool: from the Tools list

3-To select an exact squire section press and hold the shift key and make the selection using the Rectangle Select from Tools list

4-To select an exact circle do same thing but using the Ellipse Select :EllipseSelectTool:

5-While making a selection, by keeping the left mouse pressed and meantime pressing the right mouse you cam move selection around by moving the mouse, then remove the right mouse and continue adjusting the selection, and also during this activity you can press the shift key to draw and move the exact circle and squire.

6-To resize a selection maintaining the same aspect ratio ,press shift key and resize the selection using Move Selected Pixels :MoveTool: from tools list do the resizing from corners points .

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I'm not sure if this tip has been discussed, but I thought I would jump into the fray....

If running Alias and Feather doesn't solve the rough jaggies around your images, use the zoom tool, hold the zoom tool and draw a selection. It will jump several times in magnification. Grab your eraser tool and erase parts of the semi-transparent areas that the Feather didn't touch.

Hat tip to Welshblue for giving me that extraordinary tip, it is actually his tip, and I thought I would pass it along.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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Going along with the above reminders, if we're just relaying many older things, remember to always check the tolerance of not just the magic wand, but also the paint bucket tools to get the desired effect.

-Also, never forget the nubs on the line that are very helpful for making precise curves.

-To animate with Paint.NET, download UnFreeZ from brothersoft, and save all files as .gif that you want to animate.


Changed the text in the signature yay!

PDN gallery!

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Going along with the above reminders, if we're just relaying many older things, remember to always check the tolerance of not just the magic wand, but also the paint bucket tools to get the desired effect.

-Also, never forget the nubs on the line that are very helpful for making precise curves.

-To animate with Paint.NET, download UnFreeZ from brothersoft, and save all files as .gif that you want to animate.

To animate with Paint.NET, download Simon Brown's Animated Image plugin. :)

My tip: Learn the shortcut keys. Trust me, it'll make your life a lot easier.

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.

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-To animate with Paint.NET, download UnFreeZ from brothersoft, and save all files as .gif that you want to animate.

To animate with Paint.NET, download Simon Brown's Animated Image plugin. :)


No, I'm aware of that, I think UnFreeZ works better than Simon's plugin, no offense to him, it's a great one.


Changed the text in the signature yay!

PDN gallery!

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A few people in this thread have said something like "use layers" - but for those of you who are still new enough that the idea seems confusing... here you go:


Also, if you ever made a diorama in school out of a shoebox - hang up some birds with a string, glue in a few trees, put a sky picture in the very back - you can think of layers that way.

My big thing is that I keep forgetting to use transparency or opacity or blend modes - you do that, and you end up being able to do things like:

Layer 1 - funky weird abstract special effects (I love the Effects/Render/Clouds plugin)

Layer 2 - your picture

I'm also still wrapping my brain around Alpha Mask, but it looks like one of those things that will become essential once I understand how it works. I already can't imagine working without layers!

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