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TR's Dodge and Burn (Blur and Sharpen)(Feb 25th, 2015) Re-Posted

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Does anyone have any brush ideas?

I based the stock brushes on brushes used in retouching tools in other software.


Brushes are black and white and opaques 256px X 256px. (scaling is done in the code).

Soft edges are useful for blending but not a requirement. 


The Default Brush



I'll be happy to incorporate a brush that you find extremely useful. In other words you "Go To" brush.

Total number of brushes will be limited to 20 - hate to scroll down too far.

Remember that a brush can be used for brush "strokes" as well as stippling.

The custom brush selection will always be available so you can always use a brush that doesn't end up on the menu.

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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