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How to make the brush act like a brush?

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Back in 2009, I had this really cool laptop that came with a stylus that you could use on the screen itself. It even folded into a tablet shape so you could draw in your lap. Unfortunately, it broke down a few years ago, and I've had a subpar one ever since.


The reason I bring this up is because I've always used Paint.net, even when I had that laptop. Well, shortly after getting it, I realized that using the stylus gave my brush lines varying widths as I drew (like how a brush should act). I really enjoyed this feature, but I had no idea what allowed it to occur. When the laptop broke, the feature was lost to me, and even after getting a WACOM tablet, the variable width is not present.


Is there an obvious setting in Paint.net I'm missing that adjusts brush sensitivity? I'd like to have variable brush width again, both with and without a stylus. Is there a plugin that adds this feature?

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Hi and Welcome to PDN. You may want to read this thread here


I read the topic in its entirety.

So, what I'm getting from that, is that if I want a realistic brush setting, I have to a) download the beta, B) wait for it to be re-implemented, which they promised over a year ago, or c) wait for someone to make a working plugin that does this (as the one that guy used didn't seem to).

Am I correct?

Edited by Dachimotsu
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Are you using paint.net 4.0 or higher? If not, update your paint.net to the most recent version and then see what happens. If you are using 4.0 or higher, and you still don't have the the function that you want, then yes, it seems it might not be implemented yet.

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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Brush sensitivity is not implemented. Its still a good idea to update to the latest version though.

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If it's something you must have, try sumo paint. It's a free online app that has a bunch of features similar to photoshop and, if I'm not mistaken, includes pressure sensitivity.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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