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How do I delete the background (including transparent background)?

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I am trying create an illustration in paint.net that will later become a button in another program that an end user will click on.  This button needs to be the shape of a circle.  Unfortunately, when the circle button has a square transparent background, the user can also click on the background to trigger the action.  I dont want that to be an option, so I am trying to delete the transparent background so that all I have is the circle image.  Is this possible to do? 

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This isn't something you can fix with an image editor. Images are rectangles. There are no image filetypes that support non-rectangular images.

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Try a layer of text over the button as the link. Just print a letter O the same color as the button and in bold print. I believe you can link just a letter and not the surrounding transparent pixels,not sure but it's an idea.



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Make the button a rounded rectangle instead of a circular one.  It will fit your text better and minimize the size of the corners which are off the button, but still clickable.

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Hey.........When you move or copy a selection from an image, any pixels in the selection that match the current background color are, by default, transparent; they do not obscure pixels in the target location.

You can switch from a transparent background (the default) to an opaque background, and back again. When you use a selection tool, the Transparent Background and Opaque Background options appear in the Option selector on the Image Editor toolbar (as seen below). Transparent and Opaque Options on the Image Editor Toolbar Opaque or Transparent Options

To switch between a transparent and opaque background

In the Image Editor toolbar, click the Option selector, and then click the appropriate background

Opaque Background (O): Existing image is obscured by all parts of the selection.

Transparent Background (T): Existing image shows through parts of the selection that match the current background color.

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Hey.........When you move or copy a selection from an image, any pixels in the selection that match the current background color are, by default, transparent; they do not obscure pixels in the target location.

You can switch from a transparent background (the default) to an opaque background, and back again. When you use a selection tool, the Transparent Background and Opaque Background options appear in the Option selector on the Image Editor toolbar (as seen below). Transparent and Opaque Options on the Image Editor Toolbar Opaque or Transparent Options

To switch between a transparent and opaque background

In the Image Editor toolbar, click the Option selector, and then click the appropriate background

Opaque Background (O): Existing image is obscured by all parts of the selection.

Transparent Background (T): Existing image shows through parts of the selection that match the current background color.

You're talking about MS Paint which comes with Windows. Its very different from Paint.NET.

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I think is a problem with your software. Transparent background must be ignored.


Untrue.  A program must make no distinction between background and image, especially on the web.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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