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Gallery too full?

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I've tried to update the links in my gallery & have now spend more than 10 hours doing this.


I keep getting this message: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 29966059 bytes) in /home/getpaint/public_html/admin/sources/classes/text/parser/bbcode.php on line 938


There is only my gallery banner left when I try to paste the links in from Word. Any ideas??


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April Jones, 2012

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This post has my curiosity going being that I don't use Word or other similar programs. Why do you use Word for links to pictures at photo bucket or some other site?  Also why is the memory full for your gallery here? Do you keep every picture you ever posted in the gallery?  Just wondering and trying to learn more.  ;)



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Why do you use Word for links to pictures at photo bucket or some other site?

A few reasons. By saving it in word, they have a backup in case they lose the online version somehow. Also, as welshie said, you can use it to count the characters in the document to make sure you aren't running into a character limit

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When reformatting the Plugin Index the character limit was always getting the way. I believe that the limit is 60000 characters (bytes). This includes all the formatting and BB codes.

Solutions »

1. Remove as much formatting as possible. Center for example can be used to span multiple items.

2. Remove text color and changes to font size and color. Stick with as few different text styles as possible.

3. Use multiple posts. Like the Plugin Index it might be useful to span several posts. More difficult if you don't own the second & third posts but it could be fixed via a workaround + friendly Moderator. This is good advice for stting up a new Gallery.

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4. House cleaning. Do you really need ALL those images? Sad but true that we like to horde :(

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Skullbonz, I used Word because it is my preferred word processor. I did this because PB stuffed up all of the links from before they "fixed" it. I want to see just the image in its intended size, not a whole bunch of propaganda etc., which is what is happening with PB images now. Since I already upload to dA (been really slack with that too!) I download the image again, save the URL & add "thumb" to the front & rear, et voila! Da image & nothing but da image :P


My gallery is so full because I've created so much over quite a few years now. I'd like to think that my gallery shows a progression to improvement & also as a motivation for new ones to show that we can all improve & that very few of us created Galleria-worthy images from the start. 


PDNNoob is correct. I then have a back up & it is easier for me to see on a full screen the text etc. coz I is a wee bit old too & stuck in my ways :P


EER, formatting is as plain as it gets, barring punctuation :D I was thinking too that maybe I don't need all of those images. With the migration to this forum I culled quite a bit of the earlier works. Having been around for a while & producing a fair amount of work esp. in the earlier years, one does tend to accumulate items. 15 pages on dA & that is not counting the last 12 months worth of work. 


I shall cull since I don't want to be a hoarder...


I will let you know how it goes & we may still need to split the gallery if the Virgo sense of order wins the battle :P 

Many thanks :D


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Welshy, I think I have it sussed after looking at your gallery. No names & multiple images on the same line (what EER said). 


I will try this when I get home plus culling. Should have emailed the Word doc to my work pc. :P


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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One of the issues was that in Word I would get b% (or something like that after the .png & before thumb) & other bits of code that had to be taken out & if I didn't use the full editor it was much easier. 


Gallery is now restored, culled & possibly new works but I have no idea which ones I had not yet  posted. It was a mammoth task & I am pleased it is over! PB - goodbye for anything but the comp entries & even then maybe not grrrr.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Oh now I kind of understand. By saving the links in Word you save the old style of the way the pictures were displayed,right? Would they not display right if the site was changed?   I have tried to save links in the windows notepad and wordpad before but they won't work when I copy and paste them online. I assume that by using Word they will?


I am not to worried about losing my pictures at an online place like PB because I have several hard drives of different types with back ups for the backups. On top of that pictures at those places have a lower quality and are shrunk by them and no where near what the original looks like. I just use those places for the links. If I could do it straight from one of my hard drives I would be much happier and never use places like PB. 


As for too many pictures in my gallery I clean it out when it starts getting cluttered. I hate clutter on anything related to the computer and it drives me nuts when I see desktops,etc full with all sorts of clutter,like my kids have,lol. I do like the new option at PB where when you click on a posted picture you can scroll left or right and view all that are in that album,it saves having to keep them all stacking up in my gallery. I use a numbering/lettering system for all my pictures which makes it real easy for me to find anything,specially when all are organized in marked folders,something I found necessary way back in the beginning of my pc days. My downloads folder is the only folder in the pc that has clutter but at least it's alphabetical,lol,and by saving zip files I always have what I need in case of disasters. I back up the important ones of those also. All in all organization makes the whole pc experience more enjoyable and less stressful.      ;)



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Note to ya'll:  If using Word to edit your Gallery code, save it as an unformatted TXT file.  It will paste into the forum editor with fewer hassles.


Also found that toggling between the Compose and HTML modes (several times) in the forum editor will often resolve superfluous line feeds.

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