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Any way to "bump" without actually bumping?

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I've been searching for a possible answer to this, but I haven't found a one... Is there any way to bring a gallery to the top of the list without posting a new reply? I try to follow the rules with regards to bumping, but just editing the original post does nothing.


Edit: I'm assuming this is the correct place for this kind of question...

Edited by Daniels
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Yes this is the correct place. 


No there isn't a way to 'sneakily bump' your Gallery.  We discourage bumping. 


Why not add a picture and a new post to announce it?  This gives viewers a mechanism to find the new items in your Gallery (i.e. view first new post), and comment on them.  This is the honest way to do it :)

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I don't have a problem with either, so both would be acceptable. 

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Plus Daniels, a lot of people who leave feedback and visit the galleries always scroll down the list to see if anyone has updated the topic title - IE - new  02/03/2013 - I, like others visit and leave feedback on new updates, your doing things ok on here :)



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Yes this is the correct place. 


No there isn't a way to 'sneakily bump' your Gallery.  We discourage bumping. 


Why not add a picture and a new post to announce it?  This gives viewers a mechanism to find the new items in your Gallery (i.e. view first new post), and comment on them.  This is the honest way to do it :)


This is what I have done in the past. 


I'd also like to add that if posters comment in other people's gallery, then the artist has a chance to comment on the comment which can lead to sharing information on technique/plugins or new ways of working & keeps the forum an exciting & dynamic place. :D


EDIT: I should not post when rushing to get to work! Just like what DrewDale said! 

Edited by barbieq25

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  • 2 weeks later...

On that note, I have been unable to figure out how to do what drew dale said about New and dates etc. ever since the forum layout had changed.


I could use some help with that.

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When you add a post to the  your gallery thread, the thread rises toward the top of the list of threads.  Unread posts are flagged as such with a tiny icon beside the thread title in the list.  A viewer can click the icon and be taken to the first unread post.

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Lol i meant changing the Thread title info to say New Additions or whatever the user wants to put there.


Edit: nevermind apparently its because i wasnt in "full editor mode" when editing or posting

Edited by NinjaManDan21

Sig Battle Wins: 5
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~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this in your sig if you're one of the 4% who will

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