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I need to find a BASIC tutorial

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I can work Microsoft's "Paint" both the Vista and Win 7 versions. I wanted something with a bit more capabilities, I thought I was ready for the next step. I installed Paint dot net on my vista computer. BUT! I need to study a basic tutorial, and I mean BASIC. For example, I can select and move an image about on the desk top, but cannot figure how to make it stick in the spot I have moved it to. I have read online but the interactive tutorial does not address this one problem. So I am stuck. It seems the tutorials I have found assume I know more than I do. So if someone can point me to the document I need to begin learning about PDN I would be most appreciative.


Edited by mmcl26554



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I would recommend going here and familiarize yourself with paint.net itself:


I have already reviewed what you suggest but still didn't find the answer to my basic question: For example, I can select and move an image (or parts of an image) about on the desk top, but cannot figure how to make it stick in the spot I have moved it to. Enter deselects is, so how do you execute the changes you have made? I feel real dumb on this, I have tried to find the answer but cannot . In MS paint, you select, move and click outside the selected image. That doesn't work for me in PDN.


Edited by mmcl26554



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I think I got it.

After you move your image, go to the top of your PDN where all the icons are and find the one that looks like this: :Deselect: - Click it.

That will deselect your selection.

Also: Ctrl + D = Deselect


Edited by doughty




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Well, I did get to move the part I selected, but I still don't understand what the "move selection" tool is supposed to do. I guess I am just overwhelmed by all this program will do and I find it beyond my skill level. MSPaint just works better for me when working with printed circuit artwork.

Thanks for the help.




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Move Tool :MoveTool: moves the actual pixels which are covered by the selection region.

Move Selection :MoveSelectionTool: moves the selection region (not the pixels) to a new location. I.e. it allows you to cover a new set of pixels with the same (or resized) selection shape.

Let's say you just made a rectangular selection. A split second before you edited this area - you realized "HORRORS!" you haven't selected all of that fishbowl or whatever it is.

In steps the Move Selection tool. With it you can reposition the selection to completely cover the fishbowl. Or you could drag one of the control nubs to make the selection bigger.

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Hello @mmc & Welcome. Yes, it's slow going at first ... but practice a lot. This link may also be of some use http://www.soundandp...n_Paint.Net.pdf

Good Luck :smile:


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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Have you tried reading the on-line documentation? Press F1 in Paint.NET or point your browser to http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/

I wish there was a tutorial that would explain thing as you just have!

I'm working on a book. It's due in two months.

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Yes, I have looked at it a lot, but not a lot of how do ??? and a lot about what specific tools do, but not how to use them specifically. The tutorial which "nanettealsop" referred me to looks promising I've only looked at it briefly but will study later. I hope your document is an improvement over what is on the web site now.




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Hello @mmc & Welcome. Yes, it's slow going at first ... but practice a lot. This link may also be of some use http://www.soundandp...n_Paint.Net.pdf

Good Luck :smile:

I have been working the first project in this tutorial, the only problem is my version of PDN is slightly different from the one in the tutorial, but I am working through it. One question I do have. I moved the screens higher on the canvas and there appeared a checkerboard pattern where the once were. Can I remove this pattern, or will it go away on it's own sometime?




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@mmcl - The 'checkerboard' means transparency - no colour. Perhaps, when doing the tutorial, they did not mention to start drawing your rectangle on a New Layer.

It's always a good rule of thumb to begin anything you do ............. on a new layer. By moving your rectangle on the white background layer you have then generated a transparent space, which could later be filled-in with the paintbucket and white.

This is how you could try the next tutorial, with a new layer which is automatically checkered and transparent. Once one 'flattens' all the layers at the end of your project you will then get back your white background.


Happy PDNing :smile:

Edited by nanettealsop


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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@mmcl - You are most welcome :smile: If you try the project 2 in the tutorial, please be aware that steps 9/10 and 11 are merely practice steps, and don't actually do anything. Then, in step 12 the author repeats steps 9/10/11 and then shows you how to fill the created borders. Good Luck!


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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When I first started using PDN a year and a half ago I was in the same place you are now mmcl26544. What you should do is practice with something first and get yourself familiarized with working with layers. Layers is the most basic key that all noobs should learn first. I use the layer box at the bottom right(or wherever you might have moved it to) of PDN when you have it open,more than anything else. In that layer box only the layer that is highlighted will be the one that changes will be made on. If you have the wrong one highlighted and make changes,the changes will be wrong but undo under the edit tab at the top will back you out of it. Also with layers remember that they are stacked in the layer box in order of front to back ,the bottom one being the back and the top one being the front of your picture.

The other thing noobs need to know is "canvas size" and basics on how it works. When you click the Image tab at the top and then click "canvas size" you will see that you have a few choices. One thing that messed me up in the beginning with this was that it kept adding a color around a layer when I did this until I found out that before trying to re-size the canvas set your secondary color to transparent,click on the secondary color in the color wheel box,bottom left,click more,then at the bottom of the box adjust the transparency/alpha to 0. Now when you re-size the canvas the extra space should be transparent and you will see the checker board which just means transparency. This also happens when you add a picture or something as another layer that is bigger then your canvas size so remember to set the secondary color to 0 or transparent first. With a bigger canvas size you can now move pictures or selections(layers) around to where ever you want them.

Now knowing these two basic steps try practicing with layers remembering that only the layer that is highlighted in the layer box,bottom right of pdn, will be the layer changes take effect on. Also once another layer is highlighted the previous one will be set where it is so make sure that what you want in the picture is still within your canvas size. Once you master these two things the rest will start to make sense. Practice and experimentation in the beginning will help.

One more thing I have to add,lol,the lasso tool doesn't really work like a lasso,lol,more like a free form select tool. Also note there are two "Move" tools,one moves the whole canvas,the other moves the selected portion.

I hope this helps a bit from one noob to another. Relax,practice and master PDN because it is surely the best program going in my book and I have tried all the rest. Once you understand the PDN interface then go start doing tutorials,easy ones first and work your way to the more complicated ones. Trying to do a complicated one before understanding the interface will surely get you lost and frustrated.

Happy PDN'ing and I am looking forward to seeing some of your future work. :)

Edited by skullbonz



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