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"Effects" User Manual

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Since I'm retired and have nothing else to do, I've written a 230 pages PDF manual, documenting the usage of most of the effects in Paint.Net "Effects" menu. I've tested and documented each effect. Only when I finished the job, I realized that this was an incomplete job, since many effects work with several parameters and the results depend on both the parameters and the input image. Nevertheless, I would like people to have the document as a first draft. I need to know what will be the best way to upload it.

Avi D.

New York.

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Hmm, good question, since we don't really have a place for "documents".

Why not try post it in the Plugin Developer's Center for now? Normally that's where you would publish an in-progress plugin, or ask questions about plugin development, but it's the closest we've got. And the best in terms of traffic you'll get, especially since it won't fall off the first page so fast. And if we figure out or create another place for this, we can just move the thread.

Also, you and EER should talk...

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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The other option for uploading the document is this forum section: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/24-miscellaneous/ .

In that section you'll find this list of the default effects: for example.

I maintain the Plugin Index, and previously I helped out in a minor way on this project: http://freespace.virgin.net/jxp.72/ . You might find these resources useful to have a look at.

I'd really, really like to have a look at your document.

As Rick said, we should talk. I've sent you a PM (Private Message).

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Granted Avi, but you have to admit that the file is rather large.

We have 26,797 Members on this forum and simply don't have the capacity to hand out that kind of storage space.

As I suggested via PM, how about breaking the file up into smaller chunks? That would make it more manageable.

Thanks again for making the file available. I'm sure those that are interested will download it perfectly well from the site you linked to.

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Since I'm retired and have nothing else to do, I've written a 230 pages PDF manual, documenting the usage of most of the effects in Paint.Net "Effects" menu. I've tested and documented each effect. Only when I finished the job, I realized that this was an incomplete job, since many effects work with several parameters and the results depend on both the parameters and the input image. Nevertheless, I would like people to have the document as a first draft. I need to know what will be the best way to upload it.

Avi D.

New York.

I have reviewed your document and have the following comments:

1) The biggest problem with your PDF is the fact that you haven't actually written very many descriptions of the effects. You simply include a screenshot of the effect dialog box and an "after" image.

You have given no in-depth analysis of why one would choose to use each specific effect. You have offered no "work flows" showing how to get the most out of each effect when working on a larger project. You have given no descriptions of the various controls of the effect's user interface. (i.e. "What happens when THIS slider moves?", etc.)

2) Another major problem is that you have chosen poor sample images for many effects and you have not chosen the best settings for your sample image to best highlight an effect's purpose.

3) You (apparently) don't understand the purpose/difference of the "Effects > Selection" menu and the "Effects > Object" menu.

4) No history, author or detail information was given for each effect.

How about listing the author's name, which DLL contains the effect, when it was first released, what is the current version, and the earliest version of Paint.NET supported by the effect. Which effects are built-in to Paint.NET and which ones have to be installed later?

5) Instead of "documenting" every plugin you can find, my advice is to start out doing a GOOD job on just the "stickied" plugin packs. THIS should get you to 250 pages all by itself. (For example, I could probably write 5+ pages just on Curves+.)

Hope this helps.

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I have to agree with BoltBait. Your document is a great start, and you have obviously put a great deal of effort into it, but there are several gaps that need fixing.

One problem that wasn't specifically mentioned is that you have quite a few old or obsolete plugins included. For example the error messages that you found are probably a result of a plugin that is not longer compatible with the latest release of Paint.NET. If a plugin doesn't work with the latest release it should be ruthlessly culled from your list.

Second issue: You have multiple version of some plugins. I found two ancient versions of my WhichSymbol+ plugin. These predate the latest release (December of 2010) and are no longer available. Once again you should only include the latest version of each plugin.

Third issue: you need to dfferentiate between Paint.NET's built in effect and plugins.

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To "Admin"

Thanks for the critique. I take your words very seriously. I started with this crazy job because I wanted to help myself in my digital work with Paint.Net. I just needed light documentation to aid my memory so I wan't go crazy any time I need to do something. Thus I have no mention of authors, DLLS etc. Doing that now will require some research and more work. (As a retired programmer and system designer, I'm surprised how little documentation the plugins' authors offer with their own creations. A tiny "About" screen would have done a lot, not to mention a little "Help" faclity. Kindly look at web site and see how I document a free .Net contorl. Are there any standards covering this issue?) I say in my introduction that I may not understand some of the effects, I'm not a graphic design expert, that means that other member of this group should offer their written material and partical advice, which I will incorprate with future editions of the document. Indeed you are right about the limited number of input images. I realized this shortfall immediately after I published the PDF. I intend to corret this in the future. The PDF will stay on my web site (www.gzdsoftware.com) and everybody is invited to offer corrections, additions and advice. My email is on the PDF. As for more written words about each plugin, I'll take it under consideration.


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I wish you would reconsider making the single large document into several smaller ones.

Imagine how this would easy revisions. Instead of working with a single large document (and uploading after each revision), you could work on one section at a time. Uploading that when it's done.

Have another look at the Plugin Index and the Plugin Gallery I linked to previously. These might help you find a better layout/format.

I'll send you a pre-release of my book chapter on Adjustments. That might also give you some ideas.

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