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Plugins problem

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I've recently found code lap , and found how cool is it , And since i know some stuff about C# language and similar languages , i read the Tutorials , and i understood a lot of things about how to make a plugin , and how Paint.ne works .. So i thought it'd be cool to Design my Plugins

Any way i made a couple of plugins , when i test them they Works really Great as needed , i save it But it saves as "Untitled.dll " So i rename it ..

At this step there is still no problem at all , I test the plugin into Paint.net and it works Perfectly as wanted , but when i create another plugin , The problem is here .. i simply get Two copies of the same plugin in my Menu , When i delete the old one the New one works , when i Delete the new one The old one works, I don't know why this happens ,

here is a screen shot of what the menu looks like when i have 4 plugins installed :


You can also test it your self by downloading them from my signature , When you only have one it'llwork , but when you have 2 or more , Only the last one will be there and it will be dublecated be the amount of them ..

Please help , i really appreciate it

Thanks , Ahmed

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Hello Ahmed,

Glad to see you've started with codelab ! - (I haven't had time to test your plugin yet I'm afraid).

If I understand you correctly, then I think the problem is ... you should be giving each version, of each plugin, a unique name and menu name, in the 'create dll' save dialog.

PDN will get very confused if you have 2 plugins with exactly the same name. Although they should have different version numbers.

Personally I name them ... exampleplugin1a, exampleplugin1b, exampleplugin1c, etc. for example.

Then when I publish, I make the title nice and simple.

You can write the title and other information into the code itself, so you only need to change the last character each save.

Take a look at this old developers central thread - where EER helped me get started. ;)

I think you may get more knowledgeable replies about codelab if you post in 'developers central' or in the codelab thread itself.

Good luck :)

Edited by Red ochre
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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Hello Ahmed,

Glad to see you've started with codelab ! - (I haven't had time to test your plugin yet I'm afraid).

If I understand you correctly, then I think the problem is ... you should be giving each version, of each plugin, a unique name and menu name, in the 'create dll' save dialog.

PDN will get very confused if you have 2 plugins with exactly the same name. Although they should have different version numbers.

Personally I name them ... exampleplugin1a, exampleplugin1b, exampleplugin1c, etc. for example.

Then when I publish, I make the title nice and simple.

You can write the title and other information into the code itself, so you only need to change the last character each save.

Take a look at this old developers central thread - where EER helped me get started. ;)

I think you may get more knowledgeable replies about codelab if you post in 'developers central' or in the codelab thread itself.

Good luck :)

Thanks for the reply ,Red ochre .. But i'm afraid that this is not the problem because They have really totaly different names , anyway i already knew hat i can write information In the code it self , because i saw alo of Code Lap codes made by Bolt Bait and i've noticed these things .. Thanks for your reply again :)

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And when you do as Pyrochild has said, pay particular attention to the filename you give the plugin - as that's what the dll will be named.

MyPlugin.cs => MyPlugin.dll

What you call the plugin (inside Codelab) will be the name it appears under in the PDN menu system.

<moved to Plugin Developers Central>

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You need to use File -> Save and choose a unique name before File -> Save as DLL

Exactly this ^^^

CodeLab uses the "Save as" filename as the C# namespace for the effect. If you're not careful, you could create a conflict. The next version of CodeLab will use a different method of selecting a namespace name.

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