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Feat. Req.s - Lock axis when using move tool and drag layers

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Please don't read these as if they were demands, they're merely polite suggestions with no expectations.

Lock Axis on "move selection/pixels"

When you only want the selection moved across the x-axis, it would be helpful if you could simply hold ctrl and drag with the mouse. This also applies to moving the selection vertically (hold shift and drag). I know you can do this with the keyboard arrows, but it's much too slow on large images.

Dragging Layers

I saw a four-year-old post regarding dragging layers, so I think it would proper to reiterate it. It would be very helpful when you're dealing with 20+ layers.

Merge "move selection/pixels" history

When you move a selection with the arrows (on one axis), it should not be recorded in the history window until the selection has stopped moving. Currently, the history gets polluted with "move selection/pixels" whenever you hold down the arrow keys to move a selection. (You can click+hold the selection before using the arrow keys to prevent this, so I'm not bothered whatsoever if this is implemented or not. However, I think new users who don't know this trick would appreciate the change.)

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Brad, please accept my apologies for posting in your feature request thread.

"... (You can click+hold the selection before using the arrow keys to prevent this, [...] new users who don't know this trick would appreciate the change.)"

I'm not really a new user but I do not know this trick. Worse, I don't get it. Please elaborate.


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The solution to your first request is MadJik's Pannelling plugin

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