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Dear tutorial Writers... Stop using PhotoBucket!

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Ok after trying to look through several tutorials i have been constantly frustrated by the fact that photobucket DELETES your images after a period of time therefore killing the tutorial!!

I have a new suggestion


That will solve the issue!! When you upload your photo use the bottom link it gives you to display the photo :) thanks!!!




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pardon me? I'm not really about to pay for an account any where to give you my hard work. I share the images to my tuts where I want to store them ...... not ever at your dictates where you think I should store them. If there are no images to some of my tuts its because I deleted them as no longer relivant to current version of paint.net. or no one seemed to be doing the tuts.


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Ok after trying to look through several tutorials i have been constantly frustrated by the fact that photobucket DELETES your images after a period of time therefore killing the tutorial!!

Dear Dibes... STOP SHOUTING!!

I haven't uploaded to my Photobucket account in over a year, and every single image I've ever uploaded is still there, including a sub-folder full of tutorial images I stopped using when I abandoned my FreeWebs site three years ago.

Of all the photo hosting services out there, Photobucket is the only one I've ever used, and it has never deleted an image of mine that I didn't tell it to.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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I have seen problems or "messages" from people trying to use Photobucket to display images but I think it's unfair to say tuts are always involved. Tuts normally don't give me a problem.

Sometimes in the forums someone tries to display Photobucket images and I see messages like "bandwidth exceeded" or "photo has been removed" or "inactive account". I also believe if you are not currently active on Photobucket (you need to login etc) over a certain amount of time things happen to your images And you have to pay $ to get more bandwidth.

As far as using your ISP which normally gives you storage space: it can be limited space the ISP gives you.

I don't know which is better between Image Shack or TinyPic. I think TinyPic has size limits and it will resize images.

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I think TinyPic has size limits and it will resize images.

From their FAQ:

What is the limit on image size?

The image size limit is 1600 pixels (either width or height). Images that are too large are resized to the largest acceptable size. Use the Resize drop-down list on the Upload page to resize your own images when you upload them.

Embedding an image anywhere near that size would violate the forum rules.

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I will continue using whatever hosting service I please, thank you very much. I log in to my Photobucket account often enough that it keeps them up pretty well.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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and all I'm going to say unless the owner of this site tells me I must use site x or site y its my choice where I upload my tut pictures. I don't honestly think Rick or the Mods care as long as you stick to the size limits.

and as for pictures not being there. Have some of you considered perhaps the person no longer belongs to the forum so they don't feel inclined or obligated to maintain a picture.

the tuts are put there by people sharing their work, not as a God given right for others to demand and dictate.


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I will continue using whatever hosting service I please, thank you very much. I log in to my Photobucket account often enough that it keeps them up pretty well.

Now, I stopped logging in to Photobucket when I stopped using it (when I got my own webhost and started using that), and it still hasn't removed my images, so I'm not sure that's a factor either. Perhaps it has to do with them being viewed (?), but some of my images aren't even linked anywhere, they're just one-offs I put them there so I show one person something.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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pardon me? I'm not really about to pay for an account any where to give you my hard work.

You don't have to pay for any of the hosts said here.

and as far as I can see there hasn't been one point made about why I should stop using Photobucket for my tut pictures. I can just as easily take them all out and off the forum if you want. That's my perogative as well as where I host them.

so as I say don't be trying to dictate anothers decision of hosting site. That's a personal decision made by the person uploading the tut pictures, and as long as they stay within the guidlines writen by the mods and not the mini wanna be mods on the forum that's where my tut pics will stay.


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if you had taken the time to read some of my posts in that thread Flip you would know I took the pictures out because the newer versions of paint.net made the images and methods redundant.

try not to be so flippant next time.

yes and so are these for now.

gone bye bye viewtopic.php?f=31&t=29120&p=251124#p251124




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Honestly oma, i thought you were much more sensible than that, honestly. i just think this entire thing has been blown out of proportion oma and now you can't even get those tutorials back. Well, I hope you're proud of yourself.

flip, I'm with you, I don't know what she thinks she'll achieve by doing that. Loss of friendship from me for a start.

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now you can't even get those tutorials back. Well, I hope you're proud of yourself.

Who's to say she hasn't backed them up.

flip, I'm with you, I don't know what she thinks she'll achieve by doing that. Loss of friendship from me for a start.

Because she took away what she had contributed in the first place?

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