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[WOTW] Discussion

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Quick & the dead Sharp... :wink:

I can remember the first time I entered this comp & it was scrapped because there were less than half that (memory not too good on that one).

Perhaps if we are getting a lot of people missing out Flip might up the number but it makes voting by poll really difficult.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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aye that is a lot of work to do it by pm. I do believe that the quality of the wallpapers sometimes suffer a bit because people rush to get them done to enter though. Some seem like there was very little effort put into them. No offense to anyone here but the 10 entry limit makes people rush the work and not think twice about anything sometimes :?

oh yeah i voted for yellowman this round his wallpaper is pretty nifty.


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Then I would have to do a lot more work. Besides, these are actually "of the week" now. The SOTW takes like 2 weeks.

10 entries makes it faster, and if you make one but we're already for, you have a wallpaper for your gallery.

Point noted Chad re the quality on some of them but pressure sometimes brings out the best works.

I'd rather it stayed as it is. Guess we could poll that? Flip?


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Thanks theonlychad :)

10 is good number, looks like there no enough voters, the total votes don't exceed 20 in most cases.

Why we don't release the theme a week ahead, then open the thread after that for one more week for entries? So people could have enough time (2 weeks till the dead time), and for just 10 entries or one week, which ever comes first. And minimum entries should be 3, if less then is canceled.

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10 is good number, looks like there no enough voters, the total votes don't exceed 20 in most cases.

Why we don't release the theme a week ahead, then open the thread after that for one more week for entries? So people could have enough time (2 weeks till the dead time),

The first WOTW had a week deadline. In the end, 10 people entered, but everyone entered on the first and second day. The rest was boring and nothing happened.

Also, if more people entered, I'm guessing less people will vote. In fact, I think it would be better if there were LESS entries.

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