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Nemos gallery - UPDATE 22/10/09 SOTW entry + Murray!


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@DS: thanks, glad you like it but its far from done :wink:

@Frostcannon: Ohh thankyou, didnt realise you used to do skulls too hehe. I am planning on opening up a mouth to show some o' those pearly whites..or whats left of them :lol:

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Thanks Oma :D , still quite a bit to be done on it at the moment :P

edit: on the tutorial/texture tips side of things this is the sort of thing i am thinking of helping people create..several of you have requested it and i was just wandering would you guys be happy with creating something along the lines of this petal? (this could have much more done to it such as curves+ but i didnt spend much time on it :wink: )


Basically i can help to make something like this from scratch..the reason of not maknig a full on tutorial would be i want those of you who try this to get the grasp of colours and texture making so you can go on and make more of your awesome artwork on your own rather than just one single piece from a (probably poorly written) tutorial :). Any feedback on what you would like to see please?

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that wont be there, its on a different layer to make the outline easier to see before shading in the surrounding edges of the petal :wink:

edit: possible inside of a rose? idk i was just playing with some techniques..obviously this would be a lot smaller in size so would work quite nicely :)


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well to do it step by step the plan would be to do like bullet point basic information then an example image. But because its not going to be a full blown "you can only do this with this tutorial" (as i want it to open up loads of possibilites) i should be able to get around having to have loads of images

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UPDATE: this is probably the second from final stage of the skull..i think its came together quite nicely :), need to add detail to the top area of it next. I have decided to take out the cheek bone at the moment but think i may add it back in, not too sure yet..what do you guys think?


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@Soka: Thankyou, glad you like it :D

@YY: Thanks :) , the teeth were really easy to create because in te previous wip i had made thin lines of where i wanted them. Then it was just a matter of making small blurred lines etc :)

EDIT: Finished skull :mrgreen: more info on p1 as usual



please note: i may come back to this soon and add some more to it :wink:

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@Frostcannon & YY:

Well, that's something I'd definitely appreciate ;)

The skull is still very blurry, add proper highlight and shadow, sharpen it, and you're done.

Thats the plan when i can be bothered to stop being lazy :lol: . Im sure ill get round to it soon so he is nice and properly finished for halloween :wink:. Its based for a black background (it doesnt look so blurry on black).

@Soka: Looking forward to it, i am sure you will put him to good use :idea:

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