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Fast FX Glow Still around?

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17 minutes ago, Marilynx said:

This is an older tutorial, so is this add-on still around?


Here is a link to the forum topic, but I don't know if the plugin is compatible with 5.0.x.



From the plugin description, at the time the plugin was written it was a faster version of Paint.NET's built-in Glow effect.

The built-in Glow effect was rewritten to be GPU accelerated in Paint.NET 5.0, so I am guessing that is no longer the case.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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23 hours ago, null54 said:


Here is a link to the forum topic, but I don't know if the plugin is compatible with 5.0.x.



From the plugin description, at the time the plugin was written it was a faster version of Paint.NET's built-in Glow effect.

The built-in Glow effect was rewritten to be GPU accelerated in Paint.NET 5.0, so I am guessing that is no longer the case.


Thank you! Apparently, it does still work.


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21 hours ago, barbieq25 said:

Hmm, I have the FastFX & it still works on my machine. I hope you can get some good results. I am keen to see how it goes. I wrote the tutorial a long time ago. 


Well, the metal-making part of it is still my favorite method for acquiring it. I know that there is supposed to be a metallize in the newer PDN, but I do not really like the way it comes out. It appears that just "Glow" can have the same settings as FASTGLOW, so I am going to experiment with that. 


Currently working on a silver Chinese dragon done ouroboros fashion, with a black pearl in the middle.

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