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Filling an unusual object with a picture

Go to solution Solved by DanAndPuppyDAB,

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I'm trying to fit the Union Jack onto a portal gun. (There is a template below this text, this is not mine as my file was too big)  I want it to only fill in the main 3 white plates (The big one in the center and the two smaller ones below and to the side of the main plate) and only those three plates, is there a fast simple way I can do this with it looking (near) perfect.YSZwaWQ9QXBp

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Hello @DanAndPuppyDAB and welcome to the forum :) 


If I understand you correctly, you want to put the Union Jack on the three parts?


Just open your image in paint.net and then import the Union Jack to a new layer and resize it.

Copy the first Union Jack, make a new layer and paste and resize, then repeat for the last one.

Then flatten your work and save as .png or jpeg.




How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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At least to me, it isn't clear what you mean by "filling" the shape (or what it means to "fit" the Union Jack into the shape). Perhaps you could explain more fully or show an example of a result that's similar to what you're after. I'm afraid your included image doesn't make it clearer to me.

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@BoltBait's Fill from Clipboard?



  1. Copy Union Jack image to the clipboard.
  2. In the target image, use the magic Wand tool to select one of the pieces.
  3. Run Effects > Fill > Fill from Clipboard.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution

Hello all! I found the answer by pasting the image as another layer, then expanding it over one of the parts, going to the first layer and pressing one of the panels, inverting the selection and then pressing the second layer, before then deleting the inverted selection and merging parts. Thank you for the attempts to help!

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