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Exploding planets


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This/these is/are my attempt/s... though I didn't use mud, I used a scrunched up paper ball :)



Seeing as I used a scrunched up ball of paper, I guess I should REALLY try it with mud, I will probably find some dried mud/sand somewhere, the beach has good dried up sand, and the garden probably has some good mud lol.

Good tutorial, keep up the good work. ;)

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Thanx for the n1 Tutorial

I played a bit around with the values, especialy i doidn't put the Hue/saturation to 0 i keep it at about 20% of the bar or something.

The Result was this:


It was about my 5. Try. Im using it now as my MSN Userpic :D

The first 2 are compleately bloody potato, because i missunderstood something when i translate it to german, after this i switch the paint.net language.

Actualy im looking for a way to increase the size of the picture, what is a good rendering method to increase it? At least im looking for a big picture of dry mud ( something arround 1280x1024 or larger).

Idea for further trys: If you do a Yellow "supernova" first, and then make another picture and adjust the Glow center point, if you combine them, it will look like the "sun" or "Nova" is increasing size(e.g. Red Giant) and "burning" away the planet.

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Very good work! Looks quite nice, my fellow Hoosier! ;-)

Thanks, although I don't know if I could repeat it. :) Lots of tweaking, undoing and redoing and experimenting with layer blending modes. This one was definitely a good learning experience.

Did u use the mandelbrot set devise?

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Lithium, try making the pebbles black & white then doing the tutorial, see which you preffer. :)

To do that just turn down the saturation completely before you invert the colour if that dont work do it the other way around.

or you could at the end change the RGB curvest so that it looked a bit like mine but putting the blue in the bottom right box and the green in the on to the left of it. may need some ajustment.

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Lithium, try making the pebbles black & white then doing the tutorial, see which you preffer. :)

To do that just turn down the saturation completely before you invert the colour if that dont work do it the other way around.

or you could at the end change the RGB curvest so that it looked a bit like mine but putting the blue in the bottom right box and the green in the on to the left of it. may need some ajustment.

yep. I tried adjusting with the levels dude and yeah. Its much better. I turned down the hue and inverted the color. Got something like this.

I have to experiment on some other tweaks yet and other similar images^^ thanks a lot dude^^


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I really like that one...


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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