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Alternate User Interface

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Hey there people. Well, my friend has been wanting to use paint.net, but am unhappy with some of the current features.
Here's his message to me.

I really like your application called Paint.NET. However, I really don't like the fact, that you have to use a thousand, fancy windows waving around the whole computer desktop.
I'm therefore asking if you could make a small modification, so that I don't have to do all the selecting colors thing ect.
In small windows, but in the top menu bar instead?

E.g. Instead of selecting colors in the circle-shaped color thing, why not just a drop-down menu bar item saying 'Select Color', or perhaps an icon next to the other ones symbolizing a color selector?

This could be just as a secondary release for "Those who hate child windows".

Thanks in advance,

In other words, my friend is just asking for a change in the UI, as he finds it a case of "too many cooks spoil the soup".
He's simply asking for a personal modification of the UI or a secondary release of Paint.net.

So, mods, admins or programmers, i hope my friend's query could be acknowledged.

Thanks in advance,

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I'm sure we can all see where you're coming from, cooldude2222 and friend. Your comments and suggestions are acknowledged.

That said, there are two conditions I'd like to bring up with this request:

  1. [*:177x62mx]this is Paint.NET, and Paint.NET uses child windows. If you do not want them, or wish for them to be docked to menu/tool bars, then you can either hide them via their respective
menu/keyboard shortcut command, or use another graphics application, such as Serif DrawPlus, Photoshop or the GIMP (both the latter use child windows).
[*:177x62mx]You must be aware that there is only one main developer working on the core of Paint.NET at the moment - not including plugin developers. Rick, said developer, has both a job and life he needs to attend to, plus the work of Paint.NET 3.xx series and the startings of the 4.xx series. Totally, that's a lot, so can you see how rolling out a variant of the same application version would not be a wise use of time management?

If 2) was to come into play, Rick would have to apply new features, bug fixes and the like, have both tested, and deal with new bugs of both versions with each release. There would be even less time for work on the remaining life of v3.xx, and virtually none for v4. Right now, Paint.NET lacks a few features that some would consider vital in graphic editing, including brushes, specialised layers, even a better printing interface: a modification to the UI - that, simply put, works - has very little priority in the grand scheme of things.

Ask anyone on these Forums and they would tell you they would rather see v4 come quicker than start playing with the UI now. Who knows, there might be something new around the corner for v4's UI, wouldn't that want you to let Rick have as much time as possible to build it?

The UI is something both you and your friend will have to become accustomed to if you want to use Paint.NET, and like I said earlier, there are ways to work with the UI more to your liking. Lastly, think of this: at least Paint.NET isn't as frightening to use as the GIMP nor as expensive as Photoshop.

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If your friend doesn't like the small windows cluttering up the screen he could always give the four-fingered-salute (pressing F5, F6, F7 & F8 simultaneously). These keys toggle the visibility of the child windows on/off.

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4 does not equal 1000. :|

Your friend should be told that child windows are a staple of almost every single graphical design programme. Paint.NET has relatively few and are of small size, especially compared To heavyweights such as Photoshop and the freeware GIMP. And as has been said, all of them can be turned off when not needed (My "History" window is always closed).



I am a disco dancer. +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+

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Alright then, I will.

I've been using Flash (Vector graphics) a long time now. However, I don't like Vector Graphics, and I can't seem to find any good, pixel-art alternative apart from your application, Paint.NET, because doing large, yet smooth pixel art images are VERY hard! The reason why I want a modified Paint.NET version, is because MSPaint is too raw (Which I'd only use for making small sprites), GIMP isn't really a paint tool, and most of the other freeware ones isn't what I was looking for.

I know the difference between the child window programs and those with a single window (Correct me, if I'm wrong), and that is an annoying fact. I also just want to tell you, that I wasn't really aware of the keyboard shortcuts, which several of you people stated. They seem to be a bit handy perhaps, but still, I really prefer the ordinary Windows Color Selector over the Paint.NET version.

And I only meant a small modification. Adding a small drop down item wouldn't be that, would it? I don't want to make it sound easy, though! I'm no C++ (Or C#) programmer, and I appreciate that you have a life, job, family, and friends to take care of :)

I'm sorry...?

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Now I've heard your reasoning for the suggestion, I can see a little better the whys behind it.

Adding a small drop down item wouldn't be that, would it?
That missing adjective has saved you. There have been many people with no coding experience believing that their suggested feature would be easy to implement over any other.

In fact, that line is so numerous, we're thinking about starting a 'that'd be easy'-jar -- you know, like a swear-jar. I'm sure Rick could then do away with a few lines or revenue for Paint.NET with one.


In all seriousness, you will have to become used to the colour arrangement in place. Don't forget that you can create custom palettes for the Colors window if this will ease the pain of transition.

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Adding a small drop down item wouldn't be that, would it?

That missing adjective has saved you. There have been many people with no coding experience believing that their suggested feature would be easy to implement over any other.

Well, because I've never coded in C, but in GML and AS3. However, both languages are

In all seriousness, you will have to become used to the colour arrangement in place. Don't forget that you can create custom palettes for the Color window if this will ease the pain of transition.

Yay, sounds neat, but the child window still bugs me D=

I just like an open workspace. I don't want to worry about moving a window around or anything.

I'm sorry...?

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Fede-lase, could you tell your friend cooldude that a feature request is not an emergency, and that he shouldn't IM me on mobile with something I have no control over anyway? :-P

EDIT: Oh, by the way, the word censor filter is there for a reason. Please don't try to defeat it.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Fede-lase, could you tell your friend cooldude that a feature request is not an emergency, and that he shouldn't IM me on mobile with something I have no control over anyway? :-P

EDIT: Oh, by the way, the word censor filter is there for a reason. Please don't try to defeat it.

Heh lol :P

i didnt mean to disturb you then.



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