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Suggestion: enabling system color scheme again

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I am writing this message to the creator of PaintDotNet :)

I am using window blinds and have customized my system appearance, as you can see in the first screenshot with some software examples. The problem is, PaintDotNet don’t uses the system colors, but has its three preinstalled schemes. And that makes me sad, because, it doesn’t fit into my system appearance and makes me every time sad, when I work with it.


The second screenshot shows Gimp with “system color scheme” and it looks great (besides the gray font in the menu). But I don’t want use Gimp.

Is it possible, that you  could enable PaintDotNet to use system colors as an optional color scheme please? I have seen in another thread, that it was possible once.








Edited by spaceowl
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It's not that PDN isn't compatible with WindowBlinds, it's more like WindowBlinds isn't compatible with Windows.


I'm not going to put any work into making Paint.NET work better with WindowBlinds. It's a basket full of hacks, it causes system instability, hardly anybody uses it. It'd be a total waste of time. Sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello :) But it is possible to enable this again or made it optional, that paint uses the system color (which has nothing to do with Window Blinds) for the background, like it was in  old Paint 3.35 like in this screenshots? Or at least, enabling this registry value again? 



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I downloaded Version 3.35 and the Colours look great! I would be happy if it could be enabled back.

But strange that the background is still grey. Maybe it is only changeable by the registry value mentioned above. 

paint 3.35.jpg

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4 hours ago, spaceowl said:

But strange that the background is still grey.


That is actually version 3.36, the background was changed to #c0c0c0 in that version.

Paint.NET 3.36 is almost 12 years old, it is no longer supported.


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If you're willing to make your system unstable for the sake of customizing its appearance, that's your choice.


In any case you have your answer and our recommendations (DON'T DO THAT), so I'm going to close this thread.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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