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Is it possible to change this back to a normal picture?

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 Can someone please help me. This is childhood memories right here. The only issue is that the picture is blurred and in black and white. I suspect I probably edited it a long time ago in the school lesson. Now I don't know how to use paint.net and I don't know how to change the picture back to normal. Can someone help me out?



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Too much info has been destroyed. Maybe with GANs, some info could be recovered with ease, but you don't have access to that. You will have to manually recover details one by one, and I'll give you three weeks to finish. You might have to replace grass entirely though

Edited by Reptillian

G'MIC Filter Developer


I am away from this forum for undetermined amount of time: If you really need anything related to my PDN plugin or my G'MIC filter within G'MIC plugin, then you can contact me via Paint.NET discord, and mention me.

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Hi @Unseentask

Welcome to the forum.

Here's an example of what could be done depending on your definition of "Normal".

Several plugins were used to create this picture. Starting with the B&W pic I created this.




A chance for your artistic skills to develop as well as learning the capabilities of Paint.Net.

Hope you like. :)



Edited by AndrewDavid
Refreshed Link


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I know this might sound disappointing but i don't really have an interest in getting better at paint.net. Ideally I was just hoping that there was a button that i could press in order to change it back to a regular photograph. But I'm very happy that u made the next best thing. Can you make the skin a bit less orange/yellow and more like the colour this text is in? (I promise this is the last time I'll bother you.)

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I saw them also and they were the loudest band that I ever heard. My ears rang all of the next day! 🙂

We saw them the night that they were inducted into Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.
The show was 3 hours long. We left at 3AM and they were still performing.

I think I am off topic. 🙂


Edited by HyReZ


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eh I'm not really into that type of music. Also as for the advice you tried to give me I didn't get it because the lyrics were hard to distinguish but I think it was something like "give people what they want."


Edit: I think the advice was for andrew david, telling him to give me what I want.


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Yeah! You got part of it correct, so you do have the makings for a good listener.
So here are the other lyrics ,so you can get the full meaning:

Throw down!
Baby do the throw down!
Give the people what they want
When they want
And they wants it all the time
Throw down!
Baby do the throw down!
Give the people what they want (supergroovlastic)
When they want (prosifunkstication)
And they wants it all the time

Give the people what they need
When they need
And the need is yours and mine

Give the people what they want (heh heh!)
When they want
And they wants it all the time

Give the people what they need (in other words, it's the thumps bump)
When they need
And the need is yours and mine

The lyrics are quite simple and if you sing it a few times, it will just roll off your tongue!
Just scroll up and click on the play button and sing along!

Edited by HyReZ


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Ha, ha - it is sometimes fun when people go off topic, as per some of the posts above :lol: And @AndrewDavid's result is really good :)


But @Unseentask we are not trying to take the mickey out of you.  It is a Rule of ours on this forum, that you can't ask people to do the work for you.


See here:  In  Rule#23



How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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