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cant save 61440x48060 image

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Image basically explains it all, I click save as and it calculates the file size to be (error) so i click save and it loads for a minute or 2 then pops up with this error.

I tried saving as almost every file format except .pdn, same error every time.




why? I was bored and had a few bucks left in an old VPS account, so why not rent out a 24 core 96gb ram server for a few hours and render a nice high res julia fractal :D



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Unfortunately GDI+/WIC just does not like saving images of this size :( 


I've tried this before too on my desktop with Dual Xeons and 64GB of RAM ... I was able to save as PDN and TGA, but definitely neither JPEG nor PNG.



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At 300dpi its 204 inches wide!


4 hours ago, Iced Coffee said:

why? I was bored and had a few bucks left in an old VPS account, so why not rent out a 24 core 96gb ram server for a few hours and render a nice high res julia fractal :D



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