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  1. Nevermind, I've found the solution and the problem. I draw backgrounds in MSPaint and to avoid pixelization, I upscale it, a lot. The image that i had was something like 5000/7000 pixels and when i used the fill tool, the amount of dark horizontal lines was soo big, it looked like as if I had filled it completely. What i did to fix the problem: 1. Made another layer 2. Zoomed in as much as i could 3. Selected a small rectangle 4. Used the fill tool on that rectangle 5. Upscaled the rectangle until it filled the whole layer 6. Messed with the transperency of the layer until it was looking ok. 7. Merged the layers. 8. Profit. Result: @Pixey Thank you much for the responce anyways.
  2. Hi, I followed a video guide on how to do vaporwave-styled pictures on paint.net. But i encountered a problem. Even when i've set fill tool to dark horizontal lines, the picture just turns white completely. I don't understand why is this happening. Video with time stamp: Screencap (sorry for Russian) I don't have any plugins installed either. What am i doing wrong?
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