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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. @ninowebs Here is some info that may be useful: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-texture-works-plugin https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop https://code.google.com/archive/p/gimp-dds/
  2. Here is a link to a plugin that allows for accurate printer settings: Print It 01 Jun 2014Martin Osieka Customized printing tool with a huge range of options like paper size, image size, DPI setting, alignment & offset, tiling, header & footer, watermark, etc…, EffectActive3.5.x, 4.0xEffects > ToolsPrintIt.Effect.dll/.dlc (paint.net/Effects/ folder), OptionBasedLibrary vX.X.dll/.dlc (paint.net/ folder)
  3. Greetings, I copied your image into Paint.NET and viewed it at 1200% magnification and indeed and it it is highly pixellated. It would great to vectorize your image an work from there, but Paint.NET does not do that. I see that the background is already transparent so you can use the Fill/Bucket Tool to drop color into the blank spaces. I will think about ways to minimize the pixelization issue.
  4. Greetings uhoh429, There is a Shapes Tool, and shapes plugins as well as custom shape making plugins. Here is a link from the Paint.NET forum with some nfo: BTW: You are suppose to read the Forum Rules. Especially in the case of your post subject heading; you need to review rule #6.
  5. @SurgicalAsh One of the features of Paint.NET is that once you use a plugin with in a work sessions it's settings remain in place until you alter them within the work session. Once you exit Paint.NET the settings revert to default. My point is that if you want to apply a plugin to a layer, you can click on a new layer and apply the plugin feature to that layer without having to re-adjust the settings. The current plugin use will be featured at the top of the plugin list just fro this purpose, and even if you use a different plugin; the settings of the previous will be stored until it has been altered in that work session. null54 and Reptillian appear to be the goto persons on the uses of G'MIC with Paint.NET. For batch processing of image files you can also find useful features in: https://www.irfanview.com and https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/
  6. On close inspection, I doubt if the shield and snake are from a real photo. It looks very much like a composited work where the shield is at a lower resolution than the snake since elements of the shield are more pixellated than the snake. Anyway it puzzles me why people are troubled when they have to use more than one imaged editing app to get a good result. Often on projects that I do from clients are created using a variety of apps. My concern is with quality and speed. In the mind 1980's if you were into design and publishing it was QuarkXPress. At the end of the 1980's it was Corel Draw, now its Photoshop/Illustrator. I say use what you can afford and what it takes to get the job done! Today you can get the job done with a set of quality freeware and 'End-Of-Product-Life' apps in your arsenal.
  7. @FATCAT4t4 The best plugin for accomplishing what you are requesting is the Quadrilateral Reshape effect that is a part of the Evan Olds Effects Set. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/13003-evans-effects-open-source-as-of-october-16-2012/ Download link >> EOEffects.ZIP <<
  8. @lynxster4 Great call! I just tested the link that that you provided and found a similar font. https://www.dafont.com/panettone.font
  9. Paint.NET uses the installed Windows fonts. This font looks like calligraphy so I would start there.
  10. You have it wrong again. I care about your post. What I don't care about is why you want to share with us that you have a 'mystery' and that you are so 'cryptic'! No I don't care about your 'secret'. A secret that we would not even know that you had until you hinted around about it and that is not relevant to the query anyway! If that is your desire I will leave you to your drama and secrets Mr. Sensitive.
  11. Thanks! That is a relief! I was running out of ways to say that I don't give a care. 🙂
  12. I have no interest in your employment. I responded to your query because I thought that it had something to do with Paint.NET, it appears that it doe not.
  13. I just installed Pale Moon browser and got this error message upon loading the Paint.NET Forum's URL: 'This website does not supply ownership information'! In order for it to load the web page, it had to get a security authorization. The authorization was attributed to Amazon for my installation. Now all is well. I also use several browsers to test web designs. I use Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera on Windows 10 1903. They work fine for me when accessing the Paint.NET forum.
  14. I have looked through the Settings options and I do not see that what you are asking is possible yet.
  15. You mentioned that this install of Paint.NET is on a new computer. Do you have an old computer that has a copy of Paint.NET installed? If so, and the old computer may have the plugins you need in its Paint.NET Effects, FileTypes, and Shapes sub-folders. You can copy them onto a thumb drive and paste them into the Paint.NET folder on your newest computer.
  16. It appears that your Paint.NET Effects sub-folder has somehow been deleted or moved. The plugins with the puzzle piece icon are for indicating that these are not built into Paint.NET but have been added on through installing plugins. Look into the Effects folder to see what is in it. If your Effects folder has been moved, you need to put it back where it belongs. BTW: I have backups of my Effects, FileTypes, and Shapes sub-folder just in case of an event that you are experiencing.
  17. This is my new variation of the process using the Shaped Gradient Plugin. The original canvas was 5000 x 5000 pixels and it took about 2 hours to render the two layers required to make this image. It was resized to 1920 x 1920 pixels and linked to this thread.
  18. There are various ways that RAW data is stored dependant upon camera manufacturer My Olympus uses the ORF data storage system to create RAW files and when I installed the Olympus RAW codec I was able to open my files in Paint.NET These are links from the Paint.NET Plugin Index on RAW files: RAW File 12 Sep 2014cefoot paint.net 4.x version of RAW File. Note: this is a file reader, so there is no option to save in the RAW format.See also: #15611 FiletypeActive4.0+N/ARAWFile.dll RAW File 01 Aug 2009Pebal Dcraw based raw file reader. A paint.net 4.x version has been released: see Raw FileSee also: #30007 FiletypeDepreciated3.5.11 not 4.0N/ARAWFile.dll RAW FileType 09 Jul 2015null54 This is a DCRaw-based raw filetype. Uses the latest incarnation of DCRaw. FiletypeActive3.5.x, 4.0xN/ARawFileType.dll & dcraw.exe (paint.net/FileTypes/) RawReader 04 Feb 2008Ivn Dcraw based RAW file reader. DCRaw has been recompiled as a *.dll (32 and 64 bit). FiletypeActiveUntestedN/ARawReader.dll and one of dcraw.dll or dcraw64.dll Rawload v1.0 24 Dec 2009avatare Load *.raw files with metadata using the Windows Imaging Component and preserving the image metadata. FiletypeActiveUntestedN/AARWLOAD.dll
  19. Even though an image on the web may be describe as being transparent and downloads as a PNG, does not mean that checkboard backgeound is transparent. Many web sites that offer free transparent PNG files only offer true 32bit PNG files if you download them and not copy and paste them. To make sure that the checkboarding is transparent or not; open the image in Windows Paint. If you see checkerboarding when using Windows Paint, the background is truly checkerboarded with a pattern and is not transparent, or its background would appear white. Also if the checkerboard is not transparent it will show up as checkerboarded in the image thumbnail. You can probably eliminate the checkerboard pattern using the Magic Wand Tool at a tolerence of 41%.
  20. @groyall In order to make your image fit the format of a template, you may have to do more than resize. You may have to also crop your image. If you resize and not maintain the aspect ratio, your image will be pulled or compressed in a way that will distort the image. Since your template is a PNG and does not provide layers for text and guidelines: I assume that it is provided as a form factor for your project and is not ment to have 'materials' moved, but as a reference for dimensions and constructing your own project. EER's advice is good information for you in constructing your new project!
  21. Here is a tile design using the shape-gradient plugin: This is the designed recolored and tiled:
  22. @ReMake Thank you! This is how I used some of the info from your tutorial:
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