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Red ochre

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Everything posted by Red ochre

  1. Thanks for posting your firey image Mottoman! {rep issue: I think I used 3 reps yesterday - then got the 'you have used your allowance' notification. Then today I used only one, tried to give another and got the out of reps message again - strange? - obviously quantum tunnelling from tomorrow update - just managed to award another three - curious}
  2. Another great image Eli. Thanks TR. Thanks BBQ - hope real life gives you a chance to play! Pixey - lovely image, thanks for posting. (I had no idea the I.O.M. had glaciers! ) off topic: What's going on with these reps? Yesterday I gave out my allowance - then today, I use one and my allowance is gone? Hope to catch up soon.
  3. Read this:http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28270-megalo-virus/ Then virus scan everything on your computer. Good luck.
  4. Nitenurse's image reminded me a little of http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/Paul_Cezanne_La_Montagne_Saint_Victoire_Barnes.jpg/300px-Paul_Cezanne_La_Montagne_Saint_Victoire_Barnes.jpg&imgrefurl=http://keoughp.wordpress.com/2012/11/21/cezanne-and-the-past-exhibition-in-budapest/&h=188&w=240&tbnid=e_LjutfjQxwNtM:&zoom=1&tbnh=156&tbnw=200&usg=__AVI4f0LLBm4VcT8qKwmdB0feOtI=&docid=KqgNhSogSjlGNM&itg=1&client=firefox-a&ved=0CPIBEMo3&ei=iEgwVMX2LNPgauGDgvgI But definitely on the way to cubism - especially Braque:https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=braque&client=firefox-a&hs=GkW&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&tbm=isch&imgil=kYZ3-lNeaAfcJM%253A%253BCOmw79fQDbRjYM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fen.wikipedia.org%25252Fwiki%25252FGeorges_Braque&source=iu&pf=m&fir=kYZ3-lNeaAfcJM%253A%252CCOmw79fQDbRjYM%252C_&usg=__jlzS0W3IiEju1tVLV3681eZI7sI%3D&biw=1358&bih=780&ved=0CJcBEMo3&ei=BEkwVO2yINHnatuugMAH#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=kYZ3-lNeaAfcJM%253A%3BCOmw79fQDbRjYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fen%252F3%252F3c%252FViolin_and_Candlestick.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fen.wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FGeorges_Braque%3B260%3B322 Yes very Duchamps - I look forward to a Pdn version of 'nude descending a staircase'! - any volunteers? http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://uploads4.wikiart.org/images/marcel-duchamp/nude-descending-a-staircase-no-2-1912.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.wikiart.org/en/marcel-duchamp/nude-descending-a-staircase-no-2-1912&h=292&w=173&tbnid=W7CPD_BppF6BiM:&zoom=1&tbnh=160&tbnw=94&usg=__fOfkUfCrKEkPNhSSB6oEU7uAHr4=&docid=APuRZQOUoMozwM&itg=1&client=firefox-a&ved=0CHIQyjc&ei=cEkwVPe5E4nmasXLgbAI Eli - I love that image! - thank you! (out of reps today - won't forget!)
  5. ^^ Big bugs though! :bug: Sometimes I get 'stuck' writing plugins - having someone to look at things with fresh eyes makes all the difference. Facet would not have worked correctly without TR's input - many thanks. (cool image too, thanks for posting it TR). EER - Thanks, glad you are liking it! Drew - Many thanks for posting the image - sky with a buliding - underground station perhaps? Nitenurse - cool image thanks for posting - reminds me a little of a late Cezanne ( when his landscapes became almost cubist).
  6. When the fill tool is selected - look to the left of the tolerance control in the top menu - change the blending mode to 'Overwrite'. The icon looks like an empty flask. :BlendingOverwrite: When Pdn is open, press the F1 button on your keyboard. Look at Tools Window/Fill Tools/Paint Bucket Tool. Here:http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/PaintBucket.html The information is for Pdn 3.5.11 but is mostly still relevant. (It is being updated for Pdn4 currently)
  7. ::keywords::Crystals|pyramids|extrude ::Menu::Effects/Iterative lines ::Original release date:: 4th October 2014 ::Author:: Red ochre (John Robbins) helped by TechnoRobbo (Rob Tauler) ::dll name:: Facet Should work on both Pdn3.5.11 and Pdn4.0.3+ http://i.imgur.com/nEfemXJ.png Facet turns an image into various crystal/pyramid like shapes. Hopefully the images below explain better! Now in my pack:Red ochre v10 plugin pack Many thanks to TechnoRobbo for his help getting this one to work correctly. Please post any images you create using it, in this thread. I'd love to see what you can all come up with!
  8. Hello perejler, You can fill using a transparent colour. Either: 1. Select the lowest, left hand side, color swatch in the default color palette. or 2. In the Color window, click the button that says 'More' and move the slider that says 'Transparency - Alpha' to zero. I hope that is what you meant. ( I cannot be 100% certain this is correct in Pdn 4 - but it will be close )
  9. - Must be hard to keep the mouse steady! The old train WIP looks great! - nice rusty textures.
  10. Reminds me of the sign "This is not here" at the beginning of the Imagine video. Yes - TR was very helpful and together we spotted the flaw in my code. I was mixing a random number with a calculated one and instead of creating a new variable for the result it was feeding the altered calculated value back into the algorithm in the next loop. Resulting in radial patterns around the Nadir. So Problem 2 now also solved! I've got to tidy up the code and hopefully publish soon (real life rather busy at the moment). Thanks again TR - really useful having someone experienced to bounce ideas off.
  11. I tried simply removing the "if(RandomNumber == null)" condition - just leaving "RandomNumber = new Random((instanceSeed) ^ (randomSeed << 16) ^ (rect.X << 8) ^ rect.Y);" Unfortunately this still shows the patterns around the nadir. The RandomNumber seems to be same for all 'cells' with the same distance value? I also tried moving "RandomNumber = new Random((etc" to inside the loop that loads the array. The circular pattern is still there? Even tried altering the algorithm to include the loop counter,'r', so different for each loop. Still no joy. I can only think that the C# I write and the JIT code that gets compiled, execute in a different order perhaps? Way out of my depth again! Don't worry about this TR - I will publish with the non-random randoms. They're good for making circular mountain scapes! And many thanks again for solving problem 1 - that makes a huge difference.
  12. Perfect! - problem 1 solved. Thank you so much - this really improves the effect and will be a useful technique for other plugins too. You are a genius and a gentleman! - I was tying myself in knots trying to solve that one. I will tidy up the code a bit and publish very soon.
  13. How did people cope before the plugin index (and plugin browser)?! Many thanks for all the hard work you put in E.E.R - and thanks to all the plugin authors too. (TR's Custom shape Filler is a 'must have' in my opinion).
  14. I have written a plugin to be called 'Facet'. I have run into 3 problems - one of which I have solved! I do not think the first two are solvable, but would like to be proved wrong. Feel free to criticize the coding too - (not too harsh!) Here is a link to the VS2010 project file and a .dll (fully stable - just not perfect - try it on an object - works well on faces!) http://i.imgur.com/hVuGZ7P.png VS2010 project file = https://www.dropbox.com/s/z9fcnmpvnicsfwh/FacetVSproject.zip?dl=0 .dll = https://www.dropbox.com/s/kvqk3mqp1sgi8t7/Facet.zip?dl=0 Problems: --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gaps between antialiased filled paths. http://i.imgur.com/qnlRfko.png I have tried filling the whole figure first with minimal success but this also ruins the antialiasing on the edges of the figure. (try last checkbox). I can't cover the join with a line (as I did on Dryad) since I am using linear gradient brushes. Increasing the size of the path either results in skewing the figure or means huge amounts trigonometry. The problem is most easily seen with a small number of cells with a contrasting layer below. Any ideas? (I think the antialiasing is applied to wrong side of the bounding line - it should be adding AA'd pixels to the outside of the path in my opinion.) --------------------------------------------------------- 2. Randoms not changing quickly enough resulting in patterns around the 'Nadir'. http://i.imgur.com/L7xM6Mn.png I have tried delay loops between calling the randoms, 'Thread.Sleep', even storing the randoms in an array in a different order from which I am using them. Nothing works. It is most obvious with the controls on default settings except for size randomness, which produces concentric 'waves' around the nadir. See pic. Since it is less obvious when position randomness is increased, I am less worried about this. --------------------------------------------------------- 3. Solved - but thought it may help others. I was getting an 'out of memory error' and thought it was a problem with my disposing of graphics objects - it wasn't! The PointFs for a linear gradient brush must be atleast 1 pixel apart. Not being equal is not enough. psuedo: if(here == there){don't use a LGBrush;}//doesn't work if((Math.Abs(here.X - there.X) > 1||(Math.Abs(here.Y - there.Y) > 1)){you can use LGBrush;}//does work -------------------------------------------------------- I will probably publish this soon (with the faults), unless anyone can see a soloution, particularly for problem 1. Also please report any crashes (now problem 3 is solved it has been very stable for me). Many thanks
  15. It still looks relevant. Try it and report back in the tutorial thread itself if you run into problems. Yellowman's tutorials are normally very good! You may find the cirle text plugin herehttp://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=16347 could be a quicker way for the first part of the tutorial. Good luck
  16. I think Shape 3D should finish with a "TaDa!". Perhaps a slide whistle linked to the roll control would suit Rotate and Zoom too.
  17. ^^ Does the 'artifact' move if you shift the top layer with the arrow keys? (I'm on 3.5.11 and cannot repro that pattern). White is HSV saturation 0, so is black. Pure Red, Green and Blue are 100, so are Magenta,Cyan and Yellow. I would expect the other 'rainbow' colours to have slightly less saturation but they don't - which would imply a cylindrical colour space? I think of the colour space as a cube with a corner at black then at RGB then MCY with white at the opposite corner (should do a picture really!). And wouldn't saturation be the distance to the colour (RGB = xyz coords) perpendicular to the line from black to white? Perhaps I should think of a cylinder - but that seems wrong as it would give too many shades of black. off topic: It worries me that any effect using an RGB to HSV conversion and back may lose information if the HSV values are integers. (RGB = 255 * 255 * 255 = 16581375 colours, HSV = 100 * 100 * 360 = 3600000 colours). I'm sure this has been considered but may be relevant. Interesting thread - and I'm completely out of my depth. I would think 'real' colour space is a very complex (non geometric) space and the maths would be a killer (for me atleast). Something between a double cone and a globe with black and white as 'poles' and various distortions for human eyesight.
  18. Useful tutorial - thanks! (I'd forgotten about 'export selection' - I must make more use of it) Good Image NN79
  19. Thanks Pratyush and NN79 - Hopefully it won't be too long till I can publish 'Facet' - a few problems to overcome yet but I'm making progress. Thanks for the encouragement.
  20. Thanks for the encouragement - a bit more work to do on 'facet', but I've cured the tricky bug that was causing crashes now. Pixey - well spotted!, that made me laugh Thanks E.E.R, TR, Pixey and Helen
  21. Always a pleasure to see new images here! Many thanks for the Custom shape filler plugin too - so useful - really expands Pdn's capabilities.
  22. Very difficult to comment on the latest two - but it is good to see you experimenting with new techniques!
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