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Everything posted by j.d.melek

  1. hey Chrisco,,any chance of allowing even one..("just a small one...you understand !!) edit to an entry? regards j.d.
  2. belated congrats. barbieq.. regard j.d.
  3. I understand that this "pair" are not your most recent work..but they are great ..you really should use them! regards j.d.
  4. love the colours of no. 3..very "flowy" (if that's a real word!) only thing (IM inexpierienced O)..would like to see the text "stand out" more. nevertheless..very nice indeed.. regards j.d.
  5. thanks Weylin.I uploaded the wip.! (not focused tonight..need ) maybe I'll try again in the next comp. regards j.d.
  6. starting texture http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae39/jdmelek/my%20PDN%20bucket/pdn%20comps/marbletextureTOTW.png after pdn-ing http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae39/jdmelek/my%20PDN%20bucket/pdn%20comps/marblearchesTOTW.png marble arches
  7. just various random 3d-geometric shapes..! http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae39/jdmelek/my%20PDN%20bucket/pdn%20comps/random3dshapes.png
  8. goonfella, the changes to the table are fantastic, (dont get me wrong..the original was great!)..but WOW.. the difference..although subtle..really enhances the image well done.. regards j.d.
  9. just a quick "thank you " to Sarkut for explaining about the properties of the bottom layer before merging,,as I am rather new-ish to pdn.. I had some surprising results when merging ..now I know why thank you Sarkut. regards j.d.
  10. well done to all..Possum , you sure are on a roll at the moment keep it up,,more comps. on the way regards j.d
  11. thank you all for taking the time to visit..really appreciated @welshblue..glad you like "chakras"..I call on mine a lot! @PtuZ..thanks,,in a colourful mood the day "in flight" was born. glad you like it. @Sokagirl..some of those pics. would not have come about without "your..(and others)" imput. I thank you kindly for that regards j.d.
  12. nice gallery PtuZ.."howl at the moon" is a great piece. well done! regards j.d.
  13. hi Goonfella, just recently dropped by your gallery.. (cant believe I missed it till now!) you have some fantastic pieces there..espcially like ."bubble box" and "fish tank". but my all time fav. would have to be your abstracts..."on line" is just the biz wow. just love it BTW. happy birthday regards j.d.
  14. "nice place". would like to be there right now . regards j.d.
  15. I've looked hard, and I really cannot see many jaggies on that piece, you,re being too critical of your work it's a lovely piece,,really draws you in. great colours also. regards j.d.
  16. many thanks to you both for dropping by, much appreciated barbieq, the rose you mentioned began"life" as something totally different but I really loved the outcome too.thanks. csm. the "crystal rose bowl" was born with a lot of help from "sokagirl" ( and encouragement from others.) so glad you liked it. thanks. regards j.d.
  17. great colour Barbieq, and that eye almost feels like it's following you around the room lovely piece. regards j.d.
  18. hey, I made a gallery, wanna go see? thanks. regards j.d.
  19. my youngest was looking at this with me just now and exclaimed "oh look mam..it's lots of jinny-joes" very realistic welshblue..well done regards j.d.
  20. thank you Barbieq. will bear that in mind. regards j.d.
  21. hi barbieq.. what are you people trying to do to me? I stay away for a couple of days cramming tuts. and uploading plugins trying to organise some "art" to maybe display in a gallery ....I come back and, what do you know? barbieq has been very busy and produced the most "amazing" cup of coffee I've ever seen..and "autumn" WOW then helen comes out with a "fantastic" basket of flowers..(that basket is great) and welshblue,,astral friends..it looks almost like a "dream" and even L3RON is back..how long have I been gone? Anyway,well done everyone,,your art is an inspiration to all who view. (espcially me) mine will have to stay on the back-burner for a little while longer..not up to scratch yet.. regards j.d.
  22. thanks Barbieq.. good to see you back love the new piece.."top marks" although having had the chance to view your DA gallery I am fancinated by "caged raven" and "angels butterflies" ..they really are "amazing" pieces.. thanks for sharing, regards j.d.
  23. sounds like a great idea. cant wait to see what you come up with. regards j.d.
  24. that wonderful "umberella" should be entered into the WOTW (flight) comp. its great! regards j.d.
  25. great sig Csm725..can almost "smell" that coffee from here! guess this will have to do me!! regards j.d.
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