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Posts posted by csm725

  1. The humour, in my opinion, was overboard and hinted towards insulting those who use distorts rather than tracing. For my phone, I used distorts. For my booth, I used tracing. As you may or may not know, I am in no way a real artist with real credentials. I am in middle school (for you Americans) and I just 'dabble around' with PdN in my free time. I like to think of some high-quality people here (such as welshy, bbq25, gw14, and more), who help me when I PM them, who even go out of the way to write me a private tutorial, as my friends. Whether they think of me the same, I can only hope...

    And hexratt, your signature is indeed correct, we won't like you when you're angry - calm down. There are some people that it would just be better to see their wonderful art than their personality. Barbieq, I think conveying humour (especially sarcasm) is extremely hard over the internet., so ya never know when someone is jk'ing.

    And one more thing,

    "My point trying to get across is for beginners, please learn to draw an apple first before trying to use plugin to do it, it will be easier since you will know what shape and color to make it."

    When I was a total noob, here is a piece I made (after only 3 months with PdN and 1 month with the forum):


    And another piece I made after 3 months with PdN:


    Except for AA'ing, this piece is pretty darn realistic...

    100% S3D.

    Each of us has their own style of art, mine and welshy's and bbq25's is making (hella) realistic pieces with plugins.


    Anyways, interesting way to do the tire.

  2. Welshy, thank you for clearing things up. None taken.

    Also, when I "trace", I just outline important parts of the image and use them as a guide on the real image. There is a difference between "tracing" and "drawing guide-lines".

  3. This is what disappoints me. Many winners of comps lately have been those who edit/manipulate photos (see SOTW, WOTW, SAC). I remember when I used to do that, but it was a creativity lapse. Anyone who's been here for some time knows that I have made some (IMO pretty nice) pieces 100% PdN. I don't see the pride in entering a manip and beating a 100% sig that is as nice as the manip. That is why I was proud of my SOTW win. If I won a photo-manip, what's the pride?

  4. This is why I've only won one competition. There were some comps that I truly thought I didn't deserve to win, but others where an entry that was like 10% PdN and not that nice gets 3 votes, when mines gets none.

    This scenario is why I've always wanted to employ 'blind submission' and 'blind voting' - each contestant PM's the host his entry and the host puts up the images as a vote.

  5. Some of us put a lot of work into our images ... without the need to trace, and you're just putting 2 fingers up to all that.

    Welshy, that kinda hurts. I for one traced the TV, because frankly I lack in skill to make it without tracing. That just bashed my three hours of work on Falling Short. For such complex shapes as a television, a Get Smart phone booth (my WIP), and an Iron Man War Machine, a guideline is needed. No offense and no harm meant, but I can't see how any artist could make the Iron Man war machine in PdN without guidelines or a tutorial.

    You've gone down in my estimation with that remark hexratt.

    Yeah, mine too.

    People usually don't vote for the art but for the artist to show their support. I always vote barbieq25.

    That insulted bbq's works. You basically said "I always vote bbq25 because she needs people to show her support" in other words "...because her art isn't good enough that people will vote for it because of how nice it is"

    That is definitely not the case and I hope that isn't how I won SOTW or how bbq and soka won other various competitions.

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