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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Welshy and Sharp, make sure you are at either Auto-detect or 32-bit when you save the image in normal PNG.

    If you save as OptiPNG make sure you are at "RGB with Alpha".

    Did that help?

  2. What's wrong with PM entries and a simple link on polldaddy for a poll?

    Click a link and vote instead of click a link and vote..

    Same goes for entering.

    Instead of clicking the topic link, posting in the image URL and clicking Post, you click on the Envelope icon, post in your image URL, and click Send.

  3. Thats OK?...

    I just checked out polldaddy and I am VERY HAPPY with it. You can change themes, add text and images for one entry, set results for private, choose how many options the user can choose, etc.

    I will definitely use this in the voting process. Also I changed to Possum's method of submitting entries by PM.

    BTW Possum, polldaddy is extremely easy to use. You can choose when the voting is over etc etc etc..

  4. I will do PM entries and a polldaddy poll. Maybe all the comp hosts can have one unified account so we can manage each other's polls just in case one of the hosts is absent. I threw my comp together without listening to your opinions and now it's backfiring. Chrisco and possum, what do you think about having a unified polldaddy account?

  5. You know what, this argument is no fun. I am going to do PM entries and a polldaddy poll. That IMO is the best solution. I don't mind if people post their images elsewhere but then that defeats the purpose of PMing the entries. Regardless, this is what I will do.

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