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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Look at my sigs throughout the years. I so-to-speak 'watermark' them, but they rather seamlessly (IMHO) integrate with the sig. Your watermark may fit for one sig, but it feels out of place for the others. Showing amazing improvement though. Kudos on that.

  2. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I've found that a light Smart or Surface Blur can take out all or most of those nasty, low quality picture artifacts.



    Smart Blur on default settings:


    Surface Blur on default settings:


    Surface Blur has lower settings set at default than Smart Blur, but I've still found Smart Blur to be slightly better.

    I use this all the time now, thanks!

  3. Wow, nice and organized gallery. Only thing I can really suggest is to make it where the drop shadows do not get cut off at the end of the picture.

    Nice gallery!

    Agreed. The outlines / drop shadows (whatever) are cut off in some images and it just looks bad. Also, I recommend running AA's Assistant (dpy's pack) before you outline the cars. It will make them MUCH smoother.

    Still, you got some good stuff.

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