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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Make sure you select all and then copy. Then try re-running the plugin. That's all I can give you. As for using MSO2010, I find that taking the time to make your own "artistic effects" rather than sinking to the level of *shudders* using pre-made effects - is much more satisfactory. And yes, I do have 2010. Matter of fact, I had it before the general public could get it (the stable version, not the beta). :D

  2. Thank you all, for the comments and the encouragement.

    @Chrisco - I guess that's life... and thank you for the comment...

    @L3ron - Deal! :P

    @hexratt - Probably not. Thank you. Also, your Iron Man 2 war machine image was one of the inspirations for the TV.

    @barbieq - Thank you, and I try to push it off and keep my thoughts from interfering. I also aim high, but as you said, only sometimes when you succeed, do you know it was worth the effort.

    @j.d. - Thank you very much, and yeah, we've all been there.

  3. To convert from hexadecimal to decimal, here is the key:

    0 = 0

    1 = 1

    2 = 2

    3 = 3

    4 = 4


    9 = 9

    A = 10

    B = 11

    C = 12

    D = 13

    E = 14

    F = 15

    Hexa- to decimal is a right-to-left conversion.

    The ones place value is multiplied by 16^0, or 1.

    The tens place value is multiplied by 16^1, or 16.

    The hundreds place value (which we aren't dealing with) is multiplied by 16^2 (16 squared) or 256, etc, etc.

    So if you see #FF|FF|FF|FF, we can break it down into this:

    Alpha - FF

    Red - FF

    Green - FF

    Blue - FF

    So the F in the ones' value is 15 * 16^0, or 15 * 1, or 15.

    The F in the tens' value is 15 * 16^1 or 15 * 16, or 240.

    240 + 15 = 255

    Repeat for every category, and you get Alpha 255, RGB 255, 255, 255.

    Another example: #A2|98|43|B1

    Alpha - A2:

    (A * 16) + (2 * 1) =

    (10 * 16) + (2 * 1) =

    A 162

    Red - 98:

    (9 * 16) + (8 * 1) =

    144 + 8 =

    R 152

    Green - 43:

    (4 * 16) + (3 * 1) =

    64 + 3 =

    G 67

    Blue - B1:

    (B * 16) + (1 * 1) =

    (11 * 16) + 1 =

    176 + 1 =


    So, in ARGB, that would be: (162, 152, 67, 177).

    Decimal to hexadecimal is finding the biggest number * 16 that fits in your number and adding the remainder in the space to the left:

    16x <= d

    (x = the number you are trying to find, d = your decimal number that you are converting)

    150 ---> Hex

    16x <= d

    16x <= 150

    x <= 150/16

    x <= 9.375

    So, round down, x = 9.

    In this case, the tens place is 9, but if (d - 16*x) >= 16, it could be hundreds or thousands.

    So the number is 9_.

    We take d - 16x.

    In this case, 150 - 144, which equals to 6.

    So in the ones value, we put six. If we got 11, we would put B.

    So 150 ---> Hex = 96.

    Edit - Beaten-ish?

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