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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Your sig isn't using sig basics.

    Obviously you are clearly trying for something different, but you still need to remember Focal point, flow, composition and depth.

    No, you don't. I 100% disagree with you. There are NO SET RULES for signatures.

    E: And I just realized all of the sigs you linked to were yours. It cracks me up when a render sig artist who has never made anything 100% in Paint.NET says that a sig made mainly in Paint.NET is worse than yours (saying all of your sigs have focal point, flow, composition, and depth is a little overboard.)

    Even your gallery's subtitle stated you thought you were very good. To me, it seems like you have little to no skill in Paint.NET actually making things from scratch. Although I agree that himself22's (or my) signature is not the best, it is because the text is aliased. Being that render sigs are the only thing you know how to make, please refrain from critiquing (and bashing) sigs that most (or all) of them were made in Paint.NET. You are a render sig artist. I like your *render sigs*. Saying someone's 100% Paint.NET sig lacks x and y and z is reasonable. Saying all of your sigs, which are render sigs, have that, is a little arrogant. Try making a 100% Paint.NET signature and see how hard it is. Now make it clear, I'm not bashing you or something like that, just reminding you the difference between making something from scratch and combining C4Ds, stocks, and renders. Thank you.

    My sig or himself's sig?

    You should be rating my sig.

  2. For me, the same thing happens when the 1st program's new window is at any size: I click OK, the 1st program appears for a split second on my screen then switches back to PdN.

    ^This happens after a change is made to the image I opened in PdN^

    When I repeat your steps on a non-edited image, when the 1st program's new window is full screen, the 1st program's new window flashes on my screen. When the new window is not full screen, the 1st program stays on the top.

    ^This happens on a default 800x600 white canvas^

    ***Basically, this repros in a different way than it does for you, but it still repros.***

  3. You have misunderstood. There is no center of a pixel. The pixel is the smallest unit, it has no center. To understand this open up a 1x1 image and zoom in to 3200%. Try grabbing the pencil tool and clicking on each corner of the pixel and the center - same result. And 4 pixels meet pretty much everywhere in the image.

    So the answer is, no, it is not.

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