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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Rubrica: "The end result is very god" - Typo? :D Thanks.

    Frontcannon: Yes, something like polished ceramics. I would try any medium-thick serif font. Any serif font which is originally quite thin should work if you put it in BOLD (Times New Roman, Cambria, Georgia, etc.)

    By the way, I used Garamond Bold for this. If you are wondering, I put the numbers at a smaller size so that they would be as tall as the letters. Just letting you know.

  2. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it

    Astounded by the lack of cool text effect tutorials, I set out to make one myself.

    Today I shall instruct you on how to make some text that looks like this:


    Pretty cool, right?

    Plug-ins necessary to complete this tutorial:

    AA's Assistant (dpy) - dpy's pack

    Bevel Selection (BoltBait) - BB's pack

    Trail (pyrochild) - pyro's pack

    Alpha Mask Import (illnab1024) - [link]

    Align Object (moc426) - [link]

    Additional resources:

    fontsquirrel, dafont (font sites - all free-of-charge and virus-free - tested)

    Step one: Open a 500x150 canvas (no need to worry about anti-aliasing).

    Step two: Add a new layer, name it TextMask.

    Step three: Choose a font (preferably serif) and type up some text. By the way, I used Garamond Bold for this. If you are wondering, in the 'csm725' image, I put the numbers at a smaller size so that they would be as tall as the letters. Just letting you know.


    Step four: Align to the Middle Center using Align Object.

    Step five: Make a new layer between Background and TextMask, call it TextColor.

    Step six: Select an area that covers up one letter, like so:


    Step seven: Fill each letter-selection with a different color, make sure that the colors don't clash:


    Step eight: Invert the colors of the TextMask layer so it is white. Make a new layer under it and fill it with black. Merge TextMask onto the black layer, select all, and copy. You can then delete the layer:


    Step nine: Load Alpha Mask with the following settings (onto the TextColor layer):


    Step ten: Duplicate the TextColor layer and name the bottom one text shine.

    Step eleven: Open up trail at the following settings:


    Step twelve: Apply AA's Assistant at default settings to both the TextColor and TextShine layers.

    Step thirteen: Magic Wand at 31% tolerance, shift-select any transparent area on the TextShine layer, invert selection. You should have all the text selected.

    Step fourteen: Bevel Selection at the following settings:


    Step fifteen: Adjustments > Curves (Ctrl-Shift-M) at the following approx. settings:


    Step sixteen: Repeat AA's Assistant on the TextShine layer.

    Step seventeen: Set TextColor's opacity to 63:


    Step eighteen: Merge TextColor onto TextShine. You should now have two layers.

    Step nineteen: Duplicate TextShine and Layers > Flip Vertical.

    Step twenty: Drag the flipped duplicate and drag it until the 'top' of the flipped letters meet with the bottom of the actual layers.


    Step twenty-one: Do a transparent gradient (linear) like so:


    Step twenty-two: Make a new layer above everything, call it Glints.

    Step twenty-three: Go to the brush tool with white and draw some dots on the letters, this is where your glint-spots are going to be.

    Step twenty-four: Gaussian Blur these spots at 3-10, depending on your taste. It should look something like this:


    Step twenty-five: Delete the background layer, flatten, and save.







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