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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Erm... how can you have a probable favorite color?


    None of these show off a lot of skill.

    I think that, for some one who is new, Disco's sig shows an amazing amount of technique.

    Chrisco's is also very nice, but Disco gets my vote.

    Disco 1

    Chrisco 0

  2. Assuming all of your scans are approx. the same height and same width, here is a way to do it in an example scenario:

    If your scan is taller than it is shorter, like this (portrait layout):


    follow step 1a.

    If it is vice versa, like this (landscape layout):


    follow step 1b.

    You have x scans, each with y height and z width.

    1. Open Paint.NET, make a new image with the following dimensions:

    a. Height = x * y

    Width = z

    b. Height = y

    Width = x *z

    So, if I have an image (layout is portrait) which is broken up into 5 scans, each approximately 600 height and 1000 width,

    I would plug it into step 1a:

    Height = x * y = 5 * 600 = 3000

    Width = z = 1000

    2. Paste in each image (Layers > Import From File) and drag them to their order. Each image would be in a separate layer, so switch to each image's respective layer to edit the image.

    If an image is too large for the file you created, you can just drag it until the unimportant border is not within boundaries and deselect. Simple.

    If an image is too small for the file, stretch it a little until it fits.

    3. Flatten (Ctrl-Shift-F) and save.

    Hope it works.

  3. I think they are a little too intense, here is some detailed critique (not bashing, just critique):


    The blue in the center is a little strong (bright, distracting), but otherwise you've got a great sig going. Also, the text just doesn't match (100% opacity and pure white with blue and more blue is not the best combo). I would give it a, assuming you use the USA grading scale, a B (83).


    This one is actually pretty good. The colors are not too intense because the magenta/red is negated by the blue. Nice border. Text and C4D's are quite similar to the sig above. A- (91).


    The idea is nice but mediocre execution. The magenta is not at all equaled by the minuscule amounts of blue in the corners. The text is a little more coordinated and I would love to view a toned-down version of this sig. B- (76).


    Not bad. There are equal amounts of magenta and cyan/blue, but the color scheme is extremely repetitive between your four sigs.

    I like what you did here and the text is above average. A (94).

    Overall, I say you have great potential if you stick around, but try a different type of graphics, even a different type of sigs, rather than C4D, text, and MAGENTA and BLUE. It gets a tad overwhelming.

    I would give this gallery a B or more specifically, an 86/100.

    There is nothing to lose when venturing into unexplored lands (maybe in real life there is, but not in art...)

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