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Posts posted by csm725

  1. @shadow - It is not a bad piece, but render sigs like that don't tell me anything about your skill in PdN. For example, what were the stocks used? I tend to list them so people can know how much of it I made. Chrisco97, for example, makes some pretty cool render sigs, but has more than proven his skill in other areas. Looking forward to seeing more works from you.

  2. cooltext463581278.gif



    1) barbieq25 with Peas: 12.5 pts

    2) sokagirl with Internet Explorer: 9.5 pts

    3) j.d.melek with Custard: 3 pts

    4) ptuz with Broccoli: 2.5 pts

    4) blackpenny with Telephone: 2.5 pts

    If any other entrant wants to know their score, please PM me. I will be happy to tell you your score.

    CONGRATULATIONS BBQ25! Please PM me with your choice!

    Welcome everyone, to the grand opening of AVOTW1!

    To avoid confusions with Abstract of the Week (AOTW), the proper abbreviation for this competition is AVOTW - AVatar Of The Week.


    Chosen by csm725 (that's me!), this week's theme is "Things You Dislike". Although I find the theme quite obvious, here are a few examples:

    • I dislike Apple, so I would make an Apple avatar.
    • I dislike orange-flavored candies, so I would make an orange avatar.
    • I dislike Internet Explorer (versions 6, 7, and 8 :D ), so I would make an IE avatar.

    Get it? Got it. Try to display your dislike (remember, not hate, hate is a strong word) in the most spectacular, beautiful way possible. Good luck all!

    Also, be sure to read the rules way down below (scroll down) so your entry won't be disqualified.


    The deadline for this competition would normally be one week, but since this is the first AVOTW, I'll give ya a little more time.

    DEADLINE IS 23:59 (11:59 PM), JULY 12, 2010 - PACIFIC TIME.

    To see the current time in the Pacific Time Zone, click here.

    If all goes as planned, voting will begin on July 13 and end on July 19.

    See way below for voting rules.


    Be sure to check the rules below, because if your entry breaks one of these rules, you have up until two days before the deadline (in this case, July 10) to fix it. If it isn't fixed by that time, it is disqualified...

    1. Entries cannot be more than 150 pixels wide and 200 pixels high. The avatar changing page on the PdN forums will deny any avatars larger than 120x160.
    2. No crude / offensive pics, crude language, etc.
    3. The avatar must follow this week's theme.
    4. Only one entry per person. Minor modifications are allowed after submitting your entry.
    5. You must post the URLs to any and all stocks used.
    6. If you create a part of the image in another program, no link is necessary, but you must mention it.
    7. No using images you already made - although incorporating them is OK.
    8. The winner of the competition can choose next week's theme or decide that the host (again, that's me!) chooses it.
    9. No placeholders (empty-posting with your image now and editing in your image later)!

    Whether or not any entry breaks one of the above rules is up to the host (me!)'s discretion.


    To vote, you must PM me within the voting deadline (in this case July 13-19).

    To PM me, click on this button under my name:


    Details below:

    • Title should be 'AVOTW Vote'
    • Each voter gets two votes, a number one entry and number two entry.
    • The voter's number one choice earns two (2) points for that entry.
    • The voter's number two choice earns one (1) point for that entry.
    • Optional (preferred): You can also choose a 3rd place option. It will gain half (1/2 or 0.5) a point for that entry.
    • In the content of the message, write something like:

    1. chrisco97

    2. possum roadkill

    3. csm725

    • The contestant with the most points at the end of the deadline wins.
    • If you were wondering what the logic behind this is, this helps ensure that there are no ties because ties are boring.

    Here is a screenshot of an example voting PM:



    This thread is for posting entries only!

    If you want to discuss this week's competition, go here.

    I would be happy to help anyone who has any questions about this week's theme. Just PM me (csm725).

  3. cooltext463750396.gif

    Currently, AVOTW 4: Aircrafts is going on. This thread is where you can discuss anything related to it. Also, feel free to PM me (csm725) with any questions about this week's theme. I would love to help. Remember, this thread is only for discussion.

    (Deadline is August 1)

    Discussion for AVOTW 1 (Things You Dislike) begins on page 1.

    Discussion for AVOTW 2 (Things You Dislike) begins on page 2.

    Discussion for AVOTW 3 (Numb3rs) begins on page 2.

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