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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. Firstly, your Gallery Title is most certainly different. I like the swoopiness of it.

    I'm thinking that having "My Gallery" in much larger contrasting text more in the middle. I like it but it kinda blends in too well & needs a bit of 'pop'.

    Your abstracts are very well done. I especially like the 2nd & 4th ones.

    I think you are going to be one to watch closely. :lol:

  2. Re the sig: Welshy, I nearly had a cow. Thought my pc was dying :lol:

    Glad you like it. Mirror & powder, hmmm...that's out of the box!

    Stepson, Brandon has got the bug & after watching & advising, encouraging for the past 3 months, he's decided to join the main forum & enter the comp. He's been using GIMP at school & loves his art.

    @Bjarni, you did very well...don't know why this thread hadn't been showing up but saw it on others. Will pop over to the abstracts thread & take a peek shortly. Do you have a gallery of your own here? Piet would be pleased I think.

    Helen & Aislin thank you very much. Pleased you like...

    Oma, that is wicked...poor hubby! I wish I could get it made into jewellry. It would cost the earth...

  3. Hello & welcome!

    There could be some ideas in the tutes that you could apply the prinicple to you photos.

    Might be a case of using the search or just read through the tutes to see if any of it applies. Have a look at "How to make a star/sparkle" I couldn't find the tute again (I've got a copy saved as a WORD doc). Maybe someone knows who wrote it & can provide the link?

    Sorry I can't be more helpful than that. If all else fails PM me & I'll see if I can get a copy to you.

    I'd also like to commend you for a sensible subject line.

    Look forward to seeing something from you

  4. Helen, it is just perfect! It would make such a lovely elegant Christmas card. It is simple & clean in your inimitable glossy style. Well done!

    @Bjarni - oh you've done it! Good onya! Not too fussed on the font. Needs a cleaner one but well done!

    (Sorry, Helen)

    Helen, along with Oma's Snowman (must try it) it would make a great tute for Christmas (says she who hasn't done one :lol:)

  5. I did some searching in the tutorial section, and did not find one pertaining on this subject.

    I would like to know if it is possible that someone show how to create windows xp icons for folders and shortcuts from start to finish. I don't know what format to save it to, or where to save it. I searched on google, and all of it wants me to buy some speciality program, and all I learned is that I need a bunch of images in a gif type file.

    Any help would would be awesome.

    Welcome! Look forward to seeing some of your creations.

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