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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. The chocolate bar work is amazing. On its own it looks more like a rectangular box but in the wrapper it looks super. The orange is really well done. Your work still has the jaggies but you will get the hang of it in time.

    Great ideas & the poker sig I like a lot but not better than the orange & blue one - it rocks!

    Some very good work here...well done!

  2. The image is rather quite good. It depends on what you were trying to achieve. I've looked & looked at it & the only things that I'd change if I had to is the perspective. Like the rain rings should be getting smaller towards the top of the picture & larger at the bottom. Maybe blur the edges of the girl a bit so it doesn't have such a sharp contrast.

    Maybe someone else has an idea but I like it the way it is. It has an errie atmosphere.

  3. Hey Dragon, I WANT TO SLAP YOU SILLY & CALL YOU SUSAN! (Yep, I'm shouting at you.) Fair dinkum, 14 minutes & you're worried nobody likes your work? Now that we have that out of the way here are some tips for you.

    Most confident people never let their insecurities show. Never knock your own work. There's enough people that will do that for you.

    I want to welcome you to the forum & the wonderful world of PDNing!

    There's nothing wrong with your avatar. I like the border & the inside. You could use the letter "D" or even the whole of the word in your sig to put into the avvie. That would make it "pop".

    If you want to get good at PDN - work through the tutes. It will help you to know how the plugins work & how to get certain effects. That's why people have taken the time (lots of time & lots of effort) to write them. Take a look at works from Oma, WelshBlue, Possum Roadkill, AFG, Goonfella, Helen, Lance McKnight just to name a few. They have built their skills up over time.

    Being a good artist requires effort & being a great artist requires effort & lots of practice & then more practice & more effort.

    Change your thread title to something more positive like - New Avvie! or New DragonG1 avvie...Sometimes it may take a while for people to respond. We are working on different time zones across the world. There is school & work too...

    If you need help with something first try the SEARCH function. If that doesn't help, then post a question in the correct section. Use a thread title that describes the problem. e.g. How can I make a triangle?

    Now you can choose to ignore the advice or take it on board. You have some good ideas & I think you just need a little shove in the right direction.

  4. I like the ones you've created. By far my favourite is the abstract one. Very cool!

    Great work on the tutes...very good way to learn & you'll go far.

    Not so keen on the sigs that use a render but that is a personal thing with me.

    You have some awesome work here. Look forward to seeing more from you.

  5. Firstly, welcome to the forum!

    When I am not madly producing artwork, I am a teacher & I love questions!

    Here is a response from one of our moderators EER:

    Select the area you wish to crop to using one of the selection tools :EllipseSelectTool::RectangleSelectTool: .

    Press Ctrl+Shift+x to crop to the selection.

    People get a bit antsy if you don't try to use the search function but search is only as helpful as asking the right question & using the context specific terminology.

    Bear in mind too, that the above makes the whole image (canvas & all) the size that you've cropped to.

    Please feel free to Private Message (PM) me. I'll help here I can.

    Also, the way you've succinctly put the request for help in the subject line is very good! Again welcome.

  6. Hey Splicit,

    You have some very nice works here.

    My favourite one is the MEMO one. Simple style & the button is well done.

    You have the makings of a very good artist. The Philosophy one is also excellent.

    Only critique is the size of some of the pictures. I cannot see all of it & have to side scroll which means I do not get the full impact of your image. 600 x 800 or thereabouts is really good for posting to the forum. Clickable thumbnails are the way to go. They keep your gallery clean & clear.

    Nabster has given you some very good pointers.

    I followed an example from another artist & organised it with title bars & clickable thumbs. Another artist explained how to edit the photobucket URL so that it goes straight to the image without all the messing around with the albums.

    Pop over & look at Goonfella, WelshBlue or even my gallery to get an idea of what can be done with organising.

    Your work has a lot of potential & clever organisation will show it off to the best possible advantage.

    Looking forward to seeing more from you.

  7. Here is the first work in the series. Bit of a story to go with it.


    Ylla looks out from her beautiful glass room into her garden. Water splashes over the the roof & down the walls. This is her favourite room. She has set two chairs by the glass door. She will sit & look with the stranger from her dark disturbing dreams. She can already see the tears they will shed for what is yet to come. The end has begun. Two worlds. Inevitable & futile. Again she cries for them both.

    I'll add more as I get them done. 2 today & my brain is fried...:lol: almost literally!

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