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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. WOW, Soka! Capsules is really good! Polar transforamtion is wonderful to play with. I use it to get certain shapes/colours & then either add bits or delete them. For example, In the centre, I'd probably do a lens or an orb or gem outlined in gold.

    Capsules is terrific!

  2. Well written! If you're not in the teaching profession then you should be. Good use of humour too. We need a star emoticon! (Pretty please?)

    Let me see if I got the gist of what you are saying:

    Leave the DPI at 96 but resize from the 600 x 800 default since the quality will only improve by upping the size?

    (Sorry David but it's math! eeewww!)

    Then when it's ready for putting in the can - (i.e. uploading) save it as a .png & then reduce the size?

    As a matter of course, I save everything as a .pdn & then save again as a .png & only then do I resize it & hit save again.

    I like my uploaded images to be between 700 & 850kb for my sanity's sake (ISP sucks) but getting the right kb size is very much trial & error. If you have an easy way to explain this, I'd love to hear it (read it).

    Usually I work on 1800 x 2400 but I was wondering if there was an optimum multiple?

    Thank you for taking the time & the effort you put into this tute. (If you'd've presented this to me as an assignment, I'd've given you an A+++). :lol:

  3. Don't know what is funnier, the Flamingo welding or Welshy's comment!

    I love it! Each one of the Flamingo ones is so good. The expression on his face is just cracking me up. Well done!

    I'm not sure why I haven't seen the updates before...looked at your albums & love the new works there. The lakeside one is really good. I see you've done a water dragon too...it is so cute!

    Well done!

  4. Then I would have to do a lot more work. Besides, these are actually "of the week" now. The SOTW takes like 2 weeks.

    10 entries makes it faster, and if you make one but we're already for, you have a wallpaper for your gallery.

    Point noted Chad re the quality on some of them but pressure sometimes brings out the best works.

    I'd rather it stayed as it is. Guess we could poll that? Flip?

  5. Quick & the dead Sharp... :wink:

    I can remember the first time I entered this comp & it was scrapped because there were less than half that (memory not too good on that one).

    Perhaps if we are getting a lot of people missing out Flip might up the number but it makes voting by poll really difficult.

  6. Rules? Come on what is the the boy scouts!! Is this the paint.net league of graphics. Did you just read the rules???!!! what!!! are we in elementary, do I have to raise my hand to take a piss!! lol..A forum with rules is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of. I gotta show some of the executives in the office about the paint.net rules...Just when you thought the world couldn't get any more eclectic. This is the equivalent to that guy that just murdered all those people in Fort Hood, completely insane!!

    There is a book you haven't read...keywords are influence, win & people...guess you & the executives missed that one.

    This is a family friendly forum & your crass remarks are unwarranted & unwelcome.

    If this is what you think of the program & forum, why do you bother. Executive salary should allow you to purchase a "real" program.

    On a more positive note - good to see that your exclamation & question mark keys work. They should ask for a pay rise in keeping with their workload.

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