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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. I'm not a sore loser, but seriously guys, 0 votes? Should I just draw with the pencil tool for the next contest or something? I really don't know what to think right now.

    Though, congrats barbieq25. Can't wait to see what you pick for the next theme. *Yep, it's your turn to pick the theme.

    ZE, I did like your work & I too was disappointed that you didn't receive one single vote. From my point of view, I would not take it as a reflection on your skills or the quality of your image. We didn't get many entries this time around & last time we had many more voters too.

    My vote went to Brandon because he is new & my stepson, otherwise you would have got mine.

    Chalk it up to experience. Your work should have received more recognition but at least you entered, made the effort & it was not an easy theme.

    I enter the WOTW & SOTW but with the view of seeing how my ideas stack up to others' viewpoints.

    Now, I have to PM Flip with the new theme! Look forward to seeing your next entry.

  2. Could this count?


    It does say decaying, and returning to nature but I'm unsure.

    I think the decaying refers to the architecture (Building etc)...may work of you put say maybe a pyramid or temple in the background or an old mansion.

    Good on you for making an attempt...

    For those of you that are content to sit this one out...are you artists or chickens!?

    People, it's not that hard!

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