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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. I've got wavy hair ... as in, it's waved goodbye :P

    The only thing wrong is that summer scene ... it makes me feel even colder when I look outside at the frost :wink:

    That is funny! Best thing I've about hair in such a long time.

    Swap you all 10 degrees of cold for 10 degrees warmth (Celsius) & a week of sunshine for a week of rain. It will most likely reach 100F here today.

  2. LibbyH & Midgetalien, thanks for stopping by. Glad you are enjoying the story as well as the pictures.

    I'm thinking of maybe expanding the idea a bit & making it into a coffee table book. What do you think?

    Welshy, Chad, Helen & Sokagirl pleased you like the Summer Night's Inspiration.

    Welshy, the Yam was born out of frustration...son (14, lucky if he makes his next birthday :lol:) bombed out our download limit & for the next 3 weeks we are on dial up speed. Tried to get a pic of the TX but so so slow at downloading & hard to find a .png. All .jpg too jaggy so I thought go with the flow & try Sargon's splinter. Very chuffed with the result. Hubby's idea to make TX Chrissy cards...they held a TX Downunder Rally...even had visitors from Canada come over for it, heubby printed the T Shirts :lol: Hubby suitably impressed with the cards & PDN.

  3. Ummm, don't remember what the old one looked like to be honest...had a really hard day (physically & mentally). I love your avvie & I think it was something along those lines. I know that I liked it a lot.

    New one is good but you need to have the eyes looking at the text...there is a reason for it but too tired to think well. Something about not owning the text...hubby is a signwriter & sometimes we do business cards for people. That was an issue that came up with a client.

    Aislin, just had a thought...the text looks quite plain even though it is cursive...why not try gold text? There's some good tutes on it. A gold diamond shape to separate your name from the rest would set it off nicely.

    I love the look of the girl...very pretty! Well done!

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