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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. Yipee! You did it!

    Great start to the gallery! Well set out.

    Tip: start with a canvas size at least 4 times bigger than you want the finished image to be. E.g. 600 x 800 means you use 2400 x 3200. Gets rid of most small flaws. I tend to use Gaussian Blur rather than Feather (it rarely works well for me).

    Can't wait to see more from you!

  2. Yep, a lot to absorb. That is why he gave lots of breaks. May need to revisit it. I printed mine. Being a uni student, I like all my things at my fingertips & in folders. Quite a lot of the tutes I have printed...makes it easier to do them rahter than switching & I can make notes if I want to.

    Geeky aren't I?

  3. Bjarni, the images are really small. Yep, they do look like the same.

    Do you know how to use clickable thumnails? We can give you better C&C/advice if we can make the image larger.

    Also, I work on 3200 x 2400. Once I've saved it as a .pdn & I try not to flatten anything that is not absolutely necessary (in case I need to fix something), I save it as a .png & then resize to 800 x 600. Much better looking pics that way.

    Your images are still nice :D

  4. I am having some problems understanding exactly what you mean.

    Did you put a copy of the .dll in your Effects folder, in your program files?

    Did you re-start PaintNet after you put it in the folder?

    If this is not what you are asking, do you need to know how to use the Smudge tool? That I am not too sure about myself. I have only used it once or twice & the results were not that good.

    I would suggest having a search for tutes that use the smudge tool.

    Sorry that I cannot help you more. I hope someone else can help?

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