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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. That is a great adaptation of Helen's tute! Love the colours too. Not sure about the reflection of the ball. I think it needs to be down a bit & to the left? I have the worst problems with shadows & reflections so I try to get something real & see how it works. I used to keep a glass marble on my desk so I could see how the reflection works under different light sources (even had a torch or flashlight). I was surprised at where the reflection & shadows were.

    Looks like the glowy lines are a bit jaggy. Hard for me to tell because the pic is quite small.

    In any case, I love what you have done here. The ball is just yummy!

  2. Aislin, for heaven's sake, lovey, your work is very good but we're on different time zones across the globe so it might take 24 hours to get a response.

    The image is very good & it has a lovely warm but wintery feel, if that makes sense. May need a bit of AA around the eyes?

    Hey, how about an entry in the Wallpaper of the Week comp? You can do it...just pure PDN & great imagination...I got mine in...

    Giggles that was because someone added an other image right after me without saying something... I already have the feeling I'm getting ignored by lsome of the people here... never mind... but just... all I wanted is to have some space so people can react on what I make...

    Maybe I will join the WOTW :wink:

    Welshy's comment is very valid too...Guess I'm not that familiar with the umbrellas but I try to make an encouraging comment to any that posts an image. Looks like I may have jumped the gun a bit. All too often we forget the rules & some don't read them or choose to ignore them.

    I love & admire the style of your work. You do good work. Hope you do enter WOTW...love to see an entry from you. It would be an interesting one!

  3. Very good! Still can't get over that colourful abstract one...looks like wedding tuile in the background...so lovely!

    Even if it is tutes you should show them off. I have some up in my gallery but most of them I've hidden in dark corners of my pc...then someone told me that I should post the results in the appropriate sections where the tute writers ask you to show off your efforts. It gives them some feedback too on how easy their tutes are to follow & is a way of saying thanks for taking th etime & effort to write them.

    You're going great guns!

  4. Aislin, for heaven's sake, lovey, your work is very good but we're on different time zones across the globe so it might take 24 hours to get a response.

    The image is very good & it has a lovely warm but wintery feel, if that makes sense. May need a bit of AA around the eyes?

    Hey, how about an entry in the Wallpaper of the Week comp? You can do it...just pure PDN & great imagination...I got mine in...

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