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Everything posted by flip

  1. Yes, but I'd rather have a lot of links. I don't know why, I just like it that way. :oops:
  2. Could we make it higher? Right now the limit is five. If not, I have an idea. If you have over 100 posts or something, you are allowed more urls because you are not a spammer or anything bad.
  3. viewtopic.php?f=37&t=31712 Tut made. You're welcome.
  4. -- Plugins you will need are: Displacement Map Displacement The first thing you have to do is make a displacement map. This needs to be a random grunge-y texture. Make sure it is around the same size as the text you want to be grunge-o-fied. It also should be a png file. If you've seen my planet tutorial, it should look like the main texture. Here's a short way to do it: PART 1 - DISPLACEMENT MAP Hidden Content: 1. Render clouds at a pretty high roughness. When I did this, I used these colors. You should too. Then use the displacement plugin. NOT displacement map. Do it at random settings, and in the end you should have this: 2. :AddNewLayer: Make a new layer and change your colors to black and white. Render clouds again and a smaller roughness, but it should still be pretty rough. Do displacement again at different settings, but make sure it looks something like this: 3. Set the black + white layer blend mode to OVERLAY. Duplicate the layer. Now you should have something like this: FLATTEN THIS IMAGE AND SAVE IT AS A PNG. REMEMBER WHERE YOU SAVED IT. PART 2 - TEXT Hidden Content: 1. Make a new project. This will be your text. After you make it, make a new layer. Make some text that look something like this: Try to use a mixture of sizes, boldness, and capital/lowercase letters. The more the mix the better. 2. On your text layer, go to Effects > Distort > Displacement Map. For the file, open your grunge texture. Make the angle 0.00 and adjust the displacement slider to the right of the angle circle thing. After that do the same thing but make the angle 90.00. 3. Duplicate the layer and blur it at 1 pixel. Then you are done! XJ14
  5. Wait, only those colors? Can we use shades of the colors and adjust the saturation?
  6. Because most forums are a lot meaner than this one. :O
  7. flip

    Sharp 7.25.11

    The moon is really really blurry. How'd that happen!? :O
  8. Um, do you know what renders are for? If you right click the image you copied and "Save Image As..." a png, it will take out the black for you. Anti-aliased and everything. :? Anyway, nice tut.
  9. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/GradientTool.html I would suggest reading the whole guide.
  10. I got this by duplicating the layer, blurring it, and setting the top layer to darken. I think it looks pretty cool. IT IS NOT 100% PAINT.NET.
  11. http://www.google.com/images?sa=3&q=cha ... rch+images If you can find some photoshop brushes for chalk, you can convert them into Paint.net. That's the closest you'll probably get.
  12. @yy10 It really doesn't look like much. Just a background and a render, and the background looks like it can be made by blurring and stuff.
  13. Couldn't you just adjust the saturation? (After you select the grass of course.)
  14. Edit your post if that isn't a link to full size if it isn't full sized.
  15. This should go in the board General Discussion and Questions. http://seachpaint.net There are a lot of metal plugins and tutorials.
  16. Texture Tutorial II Hidden Content: 1. Clouds, sorta-ish full roughness, displacement. (Same as first couple steps of normal texture.) 2. New layer. 3. Clouds at black and white. Same roughness. Displacement: Less that normal. (Don't morph it so much that it looks like nothing.) 4. Set black and white layer to overlay and duplicate layer. Blur the top layer. (I also lowered the saturation a little.) Yeah, it was a quick tutorial, but it's pretty simple I think.
  17. I'm going to make another texture tutorial. This one looks a little better in my opinion, and it's a little easier. Wait around a day.
  18. http://seachpaint.net may help you find stuff. (plugins, etc.)
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