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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. @ Sokagirl You are welcome ! Keep up the good work. I read where you deleted your gallery. Oh NO ! You really should put it back up. It has really helped me to have a gallery because people stop in and give suggestions to other pieces and tell you what they do like. It also helps to gauge your progress over time. Sometimes when we do a piece, we don't see it in the same way that other people do and it's really a great learning experience to hear from them what part of an image they see as important. It also gives inspiration to the younger (?) artists. You never know where inspiration will come from and everyone can learn something from anybody. You just never know. :shock: @ Breathe Very nice, I agree with Sokagirl the colors are much more vibrant. One addition I would make would be do slightly blur or fade the edges of the object so it melts/blends into the background. Maybe a gradient blur or a radial transparency. Still, very nice !
  2. @BEyza Very nice background, but I would like to see your name a little larger and then with just a little transparency so the colors show through but the name is still legible. Do you know what I mean? I'm not a good teacher so I sometimes have a hard time explaining what I think in the proper terms.
  3. Whoa ! Nice ! Now do it in PdN ! I know you can.
  4. @ Escapist Angel Wonderful image. I would only make two points. 1. I don't see the bottom of the glass so I can't tell if it's an open ended glass tube or a drinking glass. I think I am starting to understand a comment Ash made in his gallery about varied transparancies ( not quite his words) but I think you should read through the last couple of pages on his gallery and look at the images he has posted and I think you will see what I mean. Great job though on the glass. I'm just not good enough to do glass just yet. 2. The green liquid ooze that is pouring out of the glass should also have a varied transparency between the liquid that is outside of the glass and that which is inside of the glass. I think that would make it much more realistic. Otherwise, very nice image.
  5. That is a stunning effect for a great photograph. I hope to see you post more here, I know I could learn a lot from your photography skills. I am a terrible photographer. :oops:
  6. Oma, I guess everyone has their own point of view on an image, and sometimes when we create something, we don't see it in the same way as someone seeing it for the first time. I didn't think Heaven's Bouquet could be any prettier, but you have made it so. I didn't realize how beautiful it was when I saw the thumbnail in the Abstract Images section, but when I saw it here in your gallery, I was speechless. Well, that is until I made my wife get up and come over and take a look (she agreed, it's beautiful). We both think it looks like mother of pearl. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. Have you ever tried to create an abalone effect/look? I love the look of mother of pearl and abalone.
  7. Brilliant concept and a beautiful image. I really like your sig, it's one of my favorites,
  8. Thanks ! I hope I can keep learning and getting better. You do have quite a few (and very good) in your gallery so I wouldn't say that it takes forever . Forever is the time between you opening the dog food bag and you setting the bowl down on the floor. At least to a dog anyway. Speaking of dogs, this is an image I did from my latest video on my You Tube Channel. It's about Mackie, my Flatcoat Retriever. http://www.youtube.com/user/PossumRoadkill
  9. @ Breathe I would bring the object on top or in front of the clouds. Then maybe to a reflection/shadows against the clouds. Very very pretty though.
  10. Ya know, I'm running out of words here ! I need a Thesaurus. So much awesome new stuff. The vases, the coin, the glass with orange juice ( I love orange juice) all so very very good and creative.
  11. I really like your new sig and avy. Very....uh, I don't know....professional? It looks like something that a professional graphics artist would do for a company as their logo or product. I'm very impressed with this, it's so clean and clear and precise. Very nice job flip. Have you done any music lately? I'm looking forward to hearing more. The swirl is very nice as well. Smooth with nice color selection. The black background really sets it off. I think it's a keeper.
  12. Forgive me for asking, but which one is that? I've got lots of water(-like) things Oh sorry, yes you do. :oops: I meant this one, it appears to be all water.
  13. I see students at desks reading open books ! This is AWESOME ! Great job ! It's so detailed and has such depth.
  14. Ash, a very inspiring tut. This is what I made. I used the orange one in the sea scape I did in the Pictorium. Thanks again for another great tut.
  15. Ah ! Thats what I was trying to achieve ! Good ! I was thinking about the Nautilus ( the cephalopod ) when I did Ash's seashell tut and it got me to thinking about the Nautilus ( the ship ) from Jules Verne's books and thought I would do an image of a coral reef with a Nautilus ( the cephalopod ) as seen from inside a partially submerged ship window. Maybe I should have added the window?
  16. The line comes from the song 'Comfortably Numb' from the album the 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd (seen it performed live back in '82) i've never heard Toad the Wet Sprocket but i love the name ... Of course ! I remember it now ! I love Pink Floyd. You should check out Toad the Wet Sprocket, I don't know if they are still together but they are so good. Walk on the Ocean, Fly From Heaven, Windmills are three you should listen to. You can find them on You Tube.
  17. Possum Roadkill


    Of course glass would not appear to be the same transparency throughout the entire object, but how would one achieve varying degrees of transparency on the same object? Layers and blend modes? I keep looking at your glass pieces and I just can't figure out how you are doing them. I have done a recent piece that I think really does look like glass, but I can only do it with an orb object using layers and blend modes. How are you getting the varied transparency on all of these different shapes? And how are you getting the refracted (?) colors where the glass bends at an angle? Oh, and when can we expect the next gemstone tut? I have really enjoyed the first two.
  18. You have some really good work in your gallery, I've really enjoyed looking through it. My favorite is the water character. How did you do that? It is beautiful !
  19. I really like your sigs a lot ! The red and blue terminator's sig is great and so is the blue on blue one with your name and the thin diagonal lines. Man that one is great. And of course your glowing spiral thingie is sooooo freaking cool !
  20. @ Goonfella & Ash, thanks, but what is wrong with the seascape? To me it looks flat, and.....and.....uh, I don't know. Yes there is a lot going on in the image, I tend to over-do things, but something is missing. Can Would, you help me figure it out? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Oooh ! Ok ! I can see it now. Great idea ! I'll give it a try as well. That is one of the things that I love to do, experiment ! Thanks for your compliment, I did think it was one of my better orbs and it too came out of experimentation. And I enjoy your work also ! You have a good imagination, turn it up and, turn it loose !
  22. I understand, but could you make it dark in another way? Like maybe have the raptor jumping out of dark jungle foliage. Check out Goonfella's recent image in the Realistic Images thread and notice the foliage he put around the castle. Remember, your sig is telling a story about your raptor. People should be able to look at it and make up stories in their head about what is going on. Inspire them.
  23. @ Sharp Great spacescape ! @ Mastermaxx WOW ! Awesome !
  24. @ Goonfella, great image. I like the way you made it look like you are looking through a hedge or forest at the castle. Where is this castle? What section of the tuts is Helen's fan tut? This is something I have been working on the past few days. Thanks to Ash for the sunset clouds and the sea shell tuts !
  25. @ worldnewser This is AMAZING ! @ 007 Nab This is Amazing too ! Man, I really missed some great pieces ! @ Skitzo "and it looks neat, right? :wink: " Yes it is neat. Very much so. @ Himself22 your image is beautiful. It reminds me of a stained glass window. @ Breathe I would really like to see a larger version of this piece. This is very nice ! @ Oma, once again you have produced a stunning piece. It looks so delicate and intricate. @ Sharp I can't wait to see this in your gallery. The thumb looks really good. I really like your new sig, man, that is really fine. @ Sokagirl, WOW ! That is really great. How did you do that? I love it ! This is something I did while on vacation...... I know, , another orb?
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