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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. @ Xander_Lyon Very nice job on the flag. It is improved. I know what you mean about planning. You'll get there. Sometimes I make parts of the image outside of the main image so if I need to I can go back to that individual piece and make changes and then put it back into the main image. Also,on larger works, I will save a backup of the image at certain phases so I can go back in time to an earlier phase of the image. Use as many layers as it takes, especially in the more complicated pieces, just remember to name the layers. One final thing that I have learned to do is to flatten the image, copy and past to a new image and then undo the flatten and save the original image in it's final stage. I save the .pdn files in a separate folder from the final .png.
  2. Possum Roadkill


    I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ; So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.
  3. Possum Roadkill


    I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ; So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.
  4. Possum Roadkill


    I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ; So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.
  5. Possum Roadkill


    I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ; So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.
  6. That is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It's beautiful and creepy at the same time.
  7. That is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It's beautiful and creepy at the same time.
  8. That is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It's beautiful and creepy at the same time.
  9. That is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It's beautiful and creepy at the same time.
  10. WOW That's so cool ! Heres what I got. I did the settings a little different on this one. This is the image I used. It one of my favorite possum pics set on fire.
  11. WOW That's so cool ! Heres what I got. I did the settings a little different on this one. This is the image I used. It one of my favorite possum pics set on fire.
  12. WOW That's so cool ! Heres what I got. I did the settings a little different on this one. This is the image I used. It one of my favorite possum pics set on fire.
  13. WOW That's so cool ! Heres what I got. I did the settings a little different on this one. This is the image I used. It one of my favorite possum pics set on fire.
  14. Possum Roadkill


    Oh I'll be there, you better believe it. About the "Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut..." where did that come from? I thought I had seen every tut on the board! I don't remember this one? Where was it hiding? (Ok ! Add another bookmark.) I did your fur tut last night. It makes an excellent possum fur texture! I can now do a self portrait.
  15. Possum Roadkill


    Oh I'll be there, you better believe it. About the "Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut..." where did that come from? I thought I had seen every tut on the board! I don't remember this one? Where was it hiding? (Ok ! Add another bookmark.) I did your fur tut last night. It makes an excellent possum fur texture! I can now do a self portrait.
  16. Possum Roadkill


    Oh I'll be there, you better believe it. About the "Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut..." where did that come from? I thought I had seen every tut on the board! I don't remember this one? Where was it hiding? (Ok ! Add another bookmark.) I did your fur tut last night. It makes an excellent possum fur texture! I can now do a self portrait.
  17. Possum Roadkill


    Oh I'll be there, you better believe it. About the "Easy 3d Metal/Chrome tut..." where did that come from? I thought I had seen every tut on the board! I don't remember this one? Where was it hiding? (Ok ! Add another bookmark.) I did your fur tut last night. It makes an excellent possum fur texture! I can now do a self portrait.
  18. Funny thing about that was I made it for a friend and when I sent it to her she told me that he had just changed teams, his car, team colors, and car number. Oh well, back to square one ! Wow thanks a bunch ! I appreciate it. I've only been doing this for a few months but this site really helps to learn how to do all kinds of stuff.
  19. Funny thing about that was I made it for a friend and when I sent it to her she told me that he had just changed teams, his car, team colors, and car number. Oh well, back to square one ! Wow thanks a bunch ! I appreciate it. I've only been doing this for a few months but this site really helps to learn how to do all kinds of stuff.
  20. Funny thing about that was I made it for a friend and when I sent it to her she told me that he had just changed teams, his car, team colors, and car number. Oh well, back to square one ! Wow thanks a bunch ! I appreciate it. I've only been doing this for a few months but this site really helps to learn how to do all kinds of stuff.
  21. Funny thing about that was I made it for a friend and when I sent it to her she told me that he had just changed teams, his car, team colors, and car number. Oh well, back to square one ! Wow thanks a bunch ! I appreciate it. I've only been doing this for a few months but this site really helps to learn how to do all kinds of stuff.
  22. @ mmaarrkkuuss WOW I love that first image ! I like all of them but I really love the first one. How did you do it?
  23. @ mmaarrkkuuss WOW I love that first image ! I like all of them but I really love the first one. How did you do it?
  24. @ mmaarrkkuuss WOW I love that first image ! I like all of them but I really love the first one. How did you do it?
  25. @ mmaarrkkuuss WOW I love that first image ! I like all of them but I really love the first one. How did you do it?
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