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Lance McKnight

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Everything posted by Lance McKnight

  1. Good job with the comics. It took me a minute to digest what was going on. That's pretty funny.
  2. Thank you so much Helen! Now I can finally move onto other projects that had been burning in my head. No wonder the smoke alarm been blaring lately these days.
  3. *shakes head* There's always something Oma makes that causes my eyes to pop out like this - :shock:. Good there with Redeem. I love the gold and crimson color.
  4. I will be working on your helmet and posting it as soon as possible. I have an idea on how I could help. Welshblue's attempt looks really good and looks more like the result I was trying to help you with earlier.
  5. *bump* I am pleased to announce the piece is finished. *collapse to the floor in elation*
  6. I gotcha, Welsh. That was something I tried to do at first and didn't liked it. It made the seal stand out nakedly, if you catch my drift, and I decided to keep the flame touching the seal. But maybe with a bit of subtle tweak here and there, I might make it better. Thanks for the tip.
  7. Hmmm....very interesting concept there. I should had figured that out on my own, but I thought if I asked you, I would get a very interesting step by step guide, and I was not disappointed. Very cool. I also like the Paintbrush. That remind me of a GIMP tut I once saw on making a paintbrush.
  8. Yeah I figured you agreed with Goonie. To tell you the truth, that is something I plan on working eventually, as soon as I am finished with the piece I'm working on.
  9. Maybe I missed something here...how were you able to add brushes into smudge?
  10. Anything worth its while is worth doing it. Keep it up. I think your piece is coming along nicely.
  11. I bow in reverence of the great Oma. Good advice and good idea there, grandma. :wink: Slamming good! All righty, then I'm on the right!
  12. All of your artwork is so :shock: :!:. I can only hope I'll be as good as you. I really like "A Cavern," it's almost like Emerald City underground.
  13. Two images really jump out at me, Mike. Your banner design on the first page, and the leaf piece are stroke of genius. Would you care to share how you did the leaf (or fern if that's what it is)? I'm guessing you used the Fern Fractal.
  14. Where's Tom the cat to chase this mouse?????? *disappointed look* If you don't know what I'm referring to, I grew up watching "Tom and Jerry" cartoons, and I still do on Boomerang television. :oops: That's a brilliant piece, Helen!
  15. That's coming along nicely. I noticed the helmet and the jaw piece aren't lined up perfectly, which I'm sure you may have noticed, and maybe tone down the harsh light on the gradient a bit. Use a bit of frosted glass to help. KIU!
  16. Here's another artist that lured me to PDN amongst the greats already here. Your works, among the other "elites", are what encouraged me to try out PDN over PS. This is a really nice gallery.
  17. Be careful shouting, pal. It might rupture someone's ear drums and it's a rule breaker. If you need help with PDN, check out the array of tutorials we have here, or consult the help file. This is a very extremely friendly forum where people are more than happy to help you out. Yeah I thought so too. Suggestion on how I could fix the flames? I used an abstract brush to do that, played with Color Balance, Color Filter, Glow, Smudge, and changed the layer properties to Glow. *ears perked for a wise advice* I'm not quite understanding what you are saying. For one thing, your sentence is fragmented, and I'm scratching my head. Drop me a PM to explain it fully. I don't mean to be rude.
  18. *drum roll* Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Wings & Sword version 1.9. I'm proud of it. Let me know what you think. *coughs*
  19. Thanks, but I think it could use some improvement. Suggestion? *breath sigh of relief* Thanks dude. I was afraid you would send Beta Robocop after me.
  20. Well, I can see that my quirky sense of humor inspired your project. Like everybody else has said: " :shock:," a very well job done there with your eyes. You have to admit though, that English can be a very funny language, if properly used.
  21. Funny thing...I was thinking about making a gem stone, but not by Ash. His tutorials leave me with too many questions and I don't like that. I'll give 3D shape a whirl. Wait a minute... I didn't suggest that... :oops: I know....it was.. AmadeusX, if you happen to stroll by this gallery, please accept my humblest apologize for not recognizing it was your suggestion. :oops: :oops: :oops: Minoeman, I am going to assume this time that you think it would look better as a coat of arm, like Goonie thought?
  22. Don't care if Vista or Windows 7 is supposedly to be better. That's what they have said of every Windows program they rolled out, only to be embarrassed by hackers who hates Microsoft. That's a funny picture, but doesn't convince me otherwise about Vista.
  23. *bump* I have finally created a sword. I know it is far from perfect, but I posted this so I could get feedback on how to improve it. I am a few mouse clicks from downloading a brush pack that contain sword graphic so I don't have to have to constantly create one. I had a hard time finding a decent PS tut on how to make a quality one. The ones I have seen are just crappy or poorly written and leaving me scratching my head.
  24. I quiver in anticipation of your works. *tapping foot*
  25. That's true. I don't have Vista and I don't plan to upgrade. They have more holes in their security system than in a Swiss cheese. Now, Microsoft is rolling out (soon) Windows 7 .
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