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Everything posted by K_I_N_G

  1. @Soul, your second abstract 'explosion' is very cool. My attempt at a background:
  2. ^Hes referring to the fact that its 8000 px's tall. Um...I suppose a quick way around this is to cut it into different images at every 800 mark, or simply post a link to the image.
  3. Well at first I didnt know what the hell your signature was but I see it now. Good tutorial.
  4. Cool, post your results guys. See what you can come up with.
  5. This is for generally abstract works, but makes for interesting gaming banners.
  6. Add shadows and lighting to the stone that the sword is stuck in. It has a box-look too it depending on how you see it. Shading and lighting should take care of that.
  7. Not true. It can, using Simon Brown's Animated GIF reader/maker. You just need to rename the extension to .AGIF. Hmm, I didnt know that. Thank you.
  8. Coolz. If anybody has any suggestions I am open too feedback.
  9. I am surprised there isnt any more posts on this. Really good tutorial, well-written and exactly what I needed. Thanks.
  10. Its just lines and gradients...on everything. I used this tutorial for the wires (just added lines with the paint bucket). These two for the chrome outline: 1. 2. The background is three circles, filled with a light and dark gray gradient. Clouds with a light roughness set to overlay (to give it a grundgy texture). A paint bucket set to rivet within the circles. Then dots using the paint brush at bigger then smaller sizes and a 1 or 2 pixel Gaussian blur. Took upwards of an hour so really its just patience and the basic tools of PDN.
  11. That joker sig looks great man. Awesome gallery.
  12. PDN isnt able to hold the animated picture. It will freeze no matter what, use a different program or use frame for frame.
  13. Interesting outcome, I think I'll use this in a retro sig. Using brushes can come up with a nice blood effect as well (wrote a tutorial using that method). Still doesnt quite look like blood....
  14. A hundred and somethin views but only 3 replies...hehe, not what I expected. Consider using a blur or a brush with some transparency so it'll make the blood look more realistic. Using a variety of brushes gives a good effect as well.
  15. Well I' m sure someone can use this to make a better signature or something than I did. Post your results if you find the time guys, I'd quite like to see what others can come up with.
  16. Happy birthday, if your lucky you'll get hit by a moving vehicle.... I mean unlucky. Wow its late.
  17. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it Welcome, today we'll be making this: You need: I found a photoshop tutorial and thought the outcome was pretty cool so I tried it with PDN. The outcome was useful (IMO) so I thought I'd post a tutorial on it. Photoshop tutorial. You will need the custom brushes plugin as well as a blood splatter type of brush (if you run a search on this site you'll come up with a lot). I used this brush pack. 1st step: Start off with a canvas size of about 300/300. Get your line tool and draw a black, curved line in the center of your canvas at about 30 pixels. We'll call this layer line A: 2nd step: Create a new layer and name it line B. Draw another line at the bottom of line A on this layer with a different color (as its easier to see). Draw this starting at the right end point of line A and finishing at the left side of your tentacle in a smooth arch. Right click to create a smooth curve. This will make it seem like line A is tempering out like a tentacle: 3rd step: Delete everything on the left side of line B on line A. Delete the line B layer. Now we have the basic outline for our tentacle: 4th step: Duplicate your line A layer and invert colors (Adjustments/invert colors or CRTL+Shift+I). Get your Magic Wand tool and at 0% tolerance Select the transparent part of this layer and then invert selection (Edit/Invert selection or CRTL+I). Run a Gaussian Blur with a radius of 18. Merge this layer on to line A and you should have something like this: 5th step: Duplicate the line A layer and set the top layer to multiply. Merge this layer down. Now add a new layer and name this layer Blood. Set your primary color to a dark red (used hex #5B0000). Go to custom brushes and randomly add blood splatters across the canvas: 6th step: On line A get your Magic Wand with a tolerance of 60% and select the transparent background. With this still selected go to your Blood layer and hit delete. Go back to your line A layer and run a gaussion blur of 2%. Duplicate this layer then merge it down. Double click on your Blood layer or go to propertys and set the blending mode to Color Burn (Glow gives a good affect as well and you can always just leave it as is): 7th step: Flatten your image. Select the transparent background (with your magic wand at 0%) and once again invert your selection (CRTL+I) and feather it (Effects/Selection/Feather Selection) at a radius of 3. Wah-lah, now your finished. You can use lighting or anything else you like to give it a 3d look but this is as far as I went with it. Although I prefer mine to be a little thinner so I usually stretch 'em vertically and make 'em smaller. Heres my final result: Used this technique to make a sloppy signature:
  18. True that. If I get any more requests I'll consider it (we really need more tutorials in the forums). My newest two hack-jobs at something weird:
  19. Haha, well thank-you, I dont believe my signatures are worth a tutorial just yet though. Perhaps once I make something decent.
  20. Hmm, the directions/description could use some work but its alright.
  21. Your welcome. I took your advice, doubled the amount of sigs in the gallery (they kept looking good to me so I kept puttin 'em up).
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