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Everything posted by Kemaru

  1. Thank you Helen. Like I said I've been working on a smudging tutorial of sorts, I'm just about halfway through though. mini-tut for the lines: Draw a line on a new layer. Give it a curve with the right-mouse button (Bezier) (If your document is small you can open a new canvas that's bigger than your real work.) Duplicate this layer. Open the Panelling plugin, and experiment to your liking. Repeat 5-6 times, until it looks cool.
  2. Thanks both. Sharp I'm sorry I haven't finished it yet.
  3. bump A wip for the SOTW, witness the awesomeness:
  4. I must say, you're one of the fastest plugin authors to update.
  5. The rules state (I think) that images bigger than 800*600 shouldn't be posted on the forum. I suggest using thumbnails.
  6. Yes, they are too big. I love the background in the Sasuke wallpaper. Why are you ashamed of using naruto renders btw :?:
  7. Burningrock, that's a nice abstract piece. That brush looks bad, though, the brush edge cuts badly in the middle of your wallpaper. Violescent: This looks beautiful on a bright mobilephone screen. Pink:
  8. That is amazing! I would suggest you either up the contrast or darken and lighten up some areas, it needs proper highlights and shadows. But like I said, it's awesome, nice texture and beautiful teeth.
  9. months, indeed. No snow yet.
  10. Yeah, I'm still working on it. Thanks, though.
  11. Thank you both This is what I've been working on now: All PDN. It was a real pain in the butt.
  12. Wow. Is it too early to say "welcome back"? Great job with the new piece, Helen! I really like how you combined "glossy" elements to it.
  13. Thanks darkshock. Found a nice wip from a collab battle a while ago, decided to finish it:
  14. Incredible. You never cease to amaze me, LFC. Great job with the glassy penthouse (?), I love the TV. I don't like the grass, though. E: Updated version of my icon set.
  15. Great plugin, nice UI and easy to use. Could you perhaps make it so that it shows the source of the image?
  16. Thanks, fb is my favourite. I'm glad you like it.
  17. New icons. Feel free to use in your websites, but let me know first, okay?
  18. Thanks nemo and sokagirl.
  19. The baby seems to be enjoying it, and so do I. Your art makes me smile.
  20. Posted this in the Pixel umbrella, thought I'd post it here, for the sake of having all tips nearby. Open a new layer under whatever your working on. Pick 2 colours you want to blend. Make a linear gradient, from one edge to the other. Use the posterize effect, and choose how many colours you want to use. And you're done! Now all you gotta do is pick the colours with the colour picker and use them. You can delete the gradient blend layer afterwards. Some might call this cheating, I call it creative use of advanced tools. EDIT: Example.
  21. Quick tip on how to blend to colours in pixelart: Open a new layer under whatever your working on. Pick 2 colours you want to blend. Make a linear gradient, from one edge to the other. Use the posterize effect, and choose how many colours you want to use. And you're done! Now all you gotta do is pick the colours with the colour picker and use them. You can delete the gradient blend layer afterwards. Some might call this cheating, I call it creative use of advanced tools. EDIT: Example.
  22. Well, normal and light blending modes are the best for c4d's imo. @yy:Piplup seems LQ. I like the full-colour one best, although more effects would look nice I guess. You could probably edit the lightning a bit, the right side should be a tad darker I guess.
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