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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. What if the value boxes accepted simple calculations? Width: =800x2 Height: =0.5x600 I think this would be simpler as far as the UI is concerned. I recall another app I use does this (damned if I can remember what it is though...).
  2. Solid background? Magic wand the background then invert with Ctrl + I. Press Backspace to fill with the Primary color.
  3. There are at least two alternative Black and White+ plugins. Both have a number of options for the recoloring algorithm. If these don't do what you want, post a sample so we can see what you're working with.
  4. Hello @JackHalland - welcome to the forum. I get this a lot in my work too. What I do is zoom in on the PDF until it just fits into the available screen area. Then I take a screenshot & paste it into PDN. The theory is that the extra image size will be converted into higher resolution when you print (assuming you select a print size roughly the same as the original).
  5. Yes Paint.NET can do this. No plugins required Check out this image from the website: There 20 images opened in this instance of PDN (their thumbnails are across the top of the screenshot). To activate a different image, you just need to click on the thumbnail. We call this image-strip the Image List. You can find out more about it here: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ImageList.html
  6. Ctrl + Alt + ↓ flips your screen upside-down (the mouse is reversed too). No, I'm not being mischevious, try it in combination with Ctrl + H + H Brilliant, no?
  7. How about this: Draw a new hexagon on a new layer above (Shape Tool has a hexagon - but you need to rotate it 90 degrees). Make the new hexagon a contrasting color and the thickness you require. Center it over the existing hexagon. Select the new hexagon with the magic wand tool Invert the selection with Ctrl + I Activate the big-hex layer Press Delete.
  8. ^ this. Alt + F then R, C and Enter. Bingo!
  9. Hello @FrazierWing - welcome to the forum This is the place to ask for help. Post your code and the tech-heads will likely make some recommendations to help you improve the result and rendering speed.
  10. @BoltBait's Fill from Clipboard? Copy Union Jack image to the clipboard. In the target image, use the magic Wand tool to select one of the pieces. Run Effects > Fill > Fill from Clipboard.
  11. That's really sweet @lynxster4. I really like what you've done with the aura!
  12. I think with a suitably low tolerance you'll be fine selecting just one hue. Also I didn't make it clear, step 3.5 = Deselect the copied land before running 1px Expansion.
  13. Thanks @toe_head2001 👍 People, here is a new build to try out. Changes... Two pairs settings from legacy planets were inadvertently being swapped. Fixed. @toe_head2001 has removed the Import button. Now old and new planets can both be loaded with the Load button. Versioning pushed out to 1.4.2 Planetoid_for_PDN_5.0.zip [I get the feeling there is still one setting which is off. I'll try to find it.]
  14. ...and today's the day!! Here's the new build. Time for some testing <snip - new version below> What's new in this build? Well, everything. @toe_head2001 and @Rick Brewster made a heap of detailed suggestions to improve the plugin and @otuncelli basically rewote the entire plugin and cleaned up a lot of poor quality code. I'm indebited to these people for their generous assistance. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ . Among the changes... Lots of refactoring/cleanup and performance improvements HiDPI fixes New feature: Now, you can restore the exact same planet you save (randoms are also saved) Along the way, the way planets were saved in XML was changed. This means existing planets didn't load, so I added an IMPORT button to allow legacy planets to be loaded. I recommend you load up saved planets and then SAVE them anew in the new format. If anyone has trouble reviving a legacy planet, please let me know. Similarly, if you find a bug - a post here would be appreciated.
  15. You'll need this plugin: 1px expansion from @dpy's plugin pack, and one of Feather Object or AA's Assistant. Use the magic Wand tool with the SHIFT key held down to select all of the country color (I had to lower the Tolerance quite a bit make sure only one hue was selected). Copy the selection CTRL + C Paste the selection into a new layer CTRL + SHIFT + V Apply Effects > Distort > 1px expansion (I had to apply it three times to clean up Deep Purple). Note that you've increased the size of the country as a side-effect of closing up the internal borders. Apply AA's Assistant repeatedly (Ctrl + F after the first time you run it) or @BoltBait's Feather Object (Radius=3) to nibble away at the borders until the external border is again visible. Repeat for each country.
  16. Excellent. I'll have it resurrected and back in the Plugin Index next update.
  17. @Dzdzovnica - it's time we let this thread die. If you want to re-start the conversation, please start a new thread.
  18. Much easier: Ctrl + Shift + C Ctrl + Alt + V Ctrl + S To update the JPG image from your developing image, Ctrl + Shift + C Navigate to the JPG image Ctrl + V Ctrl + S Repeat as many times as you like.
  19. Hi @Panchdara , if you type in the name of the DLL as the keyword and you'll get all the plugins in that DLL returned. Like this.... Cool?
  20. March Update .......umm, nothing. Check in again in April
  21. Ctrl + O opens a file-picker dialog. Is there a chance that dialog is being obscured by other windows or is being minimized?
  22. I suspect there might be some problematic metadata attached to these files. Will these images open in MS Paint? If so, try saving a copy and see in PDN will open the copy.
  23. Hello @Juansioso - welcome to the forum Not in a side-by-side situation. One way to mimic the behaviour is to copy all the layers and paste them into a new image: In your developing image.... Ctrl + Shift + C (copy merged) Ctrl + Alt + V (paste into new image) Naturally the new image won't update as you work, but the keyboard chords are quick enough to repeat whenever you want a preview..
  24. I'm guessing its the default resolution. PDN has to show something in the dialogs.
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