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007 Nab

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Everything posted by 007 Nab

  1. Wow man - your "sketch pads" are all awesome! They look soo professional. I really like those! It was also funny to look back at your sigs - I hadn't even joined the forums when you had some of them Really great job on everything! Nab
  2. Well written tutorial, but I have some suggestions if you don't mind. 1. Altair shouldn't be 100% black. If you look closely at iPod commercials, you can always still see the outline of the features of the subject. This would make him look much more like what he is, an Assassin, with all of his equipment, rather than a plain silhouette. 2. Try to make the green background interesting. Normally the commercials don't just use a plain color, they have some sort of effect running in the background at low Opacity. Adding a horizontal line with gradienst or something like that will make it look less 2D, and keeping it at a very low Opacity will make it appear as part of the background. Just something you might want to think about. You're the author here, so you can do what you want. EDIT: Here's my take on it, using what I talked about (If you tilt your screen, or stand up and look down on it, you can see Altair a lot better) 007 Nab
  3. You know, you don't necessarily have to post that you have added a new sig and avvy - people kinda tend to see that in your posts in other threads. I would have just merged those triple posts together. I like your new star piece! They are all a bit big for me, but I'm sure that with whatever method you used the size can be reduced. Very cool effect, and I like the black hole you stuck in there. Nab
  4. Cool current sig, by the way - did you make it all from scratch?
  5. 007 Nab


    Dude! How do yoy whip up up so many concepts so quickly? It's truly amazing! Awesome job on the newest "Awesome" piece! I've been trying to work to get that kind of text for a while now, yours looks really great! Nab
  6. While I'm not in to Carrie Underwood, you did a great job on that wallpaper - The cut out is really well done, you brought a very cool color out of the original background, and I like all the hidden text throughout the picture. Awesome job! Nab
  7. After a while of PDN inactivity, I decided to mess around with J2K's new tutorial. Here's the result, which I made into a wallpaper:V1 V2 Click for 1280x1024 view EDIT: I decided to add a V2, which I sort of like better because it's sloppy, and actually has cake...sorta
  8. Hey man! Great job with your stuff! I got some suggestions for you first one - to make the subject of the pic stand out more - instead of messing with Opacity you could have messed with Blend Modes - wither Screen, Overlay, or Multiply might work. This would make Link stand out more. Another way you could have done it would have been to up the contrast (In case you already flattened the pic, and can't get the rain layer back). Oh - and why not make the rain animated? See ya, Nab
  9. Hey -- good job on the first one - it looks cool! and I like how you brought the subject of the photo in the others -- great job! Nab
  10. 007 Nab


    Happy Dance-age! Good job on that one Topezia you should animate it! -- and Ash -- WOW - awesome job with the forset orb landscape custom brush thingie ma bob. It looks awesome! Nab
  11. Ooh - I love gruesome titles for abstracts -- The second one is awesome - reminds of me of the nano suit on Crysis.
  12. I like it! (both versions) The pink one's more "pimped", as our friends at V-Dub would say -- great job!
  13. Great job on the new one! Did you set the overall bubble layer to color burn? That's what it looks like to me - anyways - great job on it - very well done 8)
  14. Heh...Hoo... :oops: yah.... Well, it;'s good to hear we're about to see another image by you - I'll head on over to your gallery
  15. Now that I think about it - I like it too LOL - I agree with what Expiration said about depth -- very nice oh - and Expiration - I wasn't going for a comment when I posted, but thanks anyways. I know that the one with the sun is WAAAY too dark on the left side, I should probably fix it. And the 200TH Post one doesn't make much sense, because ever since I posted it, I have been posting a lot more often (In the 260's now, I think). I'll be changing them in a while. I dunno if I should stay Spacey or move on to something else. I was thinking of doing something like yours - with the photomanip - it looks awesome! (But it wouldnt be very original)
  16. Chroma Keyeing I think, is using a green or blue screen and then cutting yourself out of it. Adobe premier is a program that does it automatically. In PDN, I suggest using the "cutting out images the easy way v2" tutorial. I would cut myself out pixel by pixel - then I could get really, really close. Also, there wouldn't be an issue of overlapping because the only thing you'd be pasting on one of the pics is the body - without any background. So you could have a subject in the foreground and background, without any problem. Also - the less of a shadow you cast, the easier it is to be rediculously close to each other - that way it doesn't look unnatural if you get lazy and erase parts of the shadows when overlaying images.
  17. Ooh- very cool job - my favorite of yours is the 3rd one -- welcome to the forums
  18. @Madjik - ooh I get it - it's a lot of work - I'm gonna try it, actually - I get what you mean though - thanks for an explanation! @Salu - that looks cool - very modern, - I like it - it's a cool abstract. What effect did you use?
  19. 007 Nab


    With the glass, "Ash" hardly stands out as much as it did before. Also, on the edges of the glass, there are a lot of gradients that I don't think go very well with that particular piece. I dunno, like -Expiration- said "Don't get me wrong, I love your glass work. I just don't think it goes well with your current sig." Nab
  20. Holy pineapples~! It's like a shape3d render, but it's not, because it's not a sphere. How did you do that? It looks really cool
  21. 007 Nab


    Hehe, no probs much better
  22. 007 Nab


    Really great job on your new sig Ash! Very good application of your own tutorial -- I have one suggestion - don't you think the background of the chrome text would look better in red? That way, it would match your avatar even more: Just a thought
  23. Wow Jake - really, awesome - your tech sig is so cool - very sci-fi- and you made it blue (yay) Really great job - it seems a bit sharper than your other green one, I like it a lot Nab
  24. haha - that's awesome - I hadn't thought of using conditional hue/saturation like that -- very cool!
  25. I agree - that's how I do it on videogame screenshots when I want to get rid of the HUD menus.
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