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007 Nab

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Everything posted by 007 Nab

  1. Very cool new Indy sig man!! I'm going to watch the midnight show on the 22nd -- it's gonna be sweet.
  2. Looks pretty good -I like the style. It has some anti-aliasing issues - on the grey diagonal/curve line that goes across -- you might want to fix that. Also -- the tab says "Blank" -- you should type in what you want your website to be, as well as in your address bar. Lastly, save as a .PNG or .BMP -- they don't lose their quality (unless you specify so in PDN). That means the pictures can look up to the exact same they do in PDN, in case you don't understand. Again -- I like what you've started with -- try to improve on it -and even add your own 'site' content (instead of pics) Welcome to the forums, keep up the good work, Nab
  3. Also -- on your scan line pyrosig - set the lines to overlay, it adds a better effect -- or you could lower the opacity a bit too. Your new avatar seems to be stretched too much vertically -- compared to your sig. Try to level them out (just a peeve I have) Your brush avatars and wallpapers look great -- I need improvement. You have some really good work - like JF said - you're getting a lot better - keep it up!
  4. Well I couldn't draw up a sig like he does... Are you talking about my PDN reference? If so, ok, that's just opinion.
  5. Very well done! I was tring to do the exact same thing earlier, and you copied the video presentation very, very well!! Now I need to do it Very good job on this one man. EDIT: Any chance I could take a look at the mask? I'm kind of lost there EDIT 2: Alright, I think I'm starting to get a better hang of how this stuff works: I'm going to experiment with making these follow J2K's 3d tut -- should be a cool effect!
  6. I, too, think you're a good sg maker. You use brushes very well, you blend renders amazingly, you're good with blurs - and portraying depth. I would, however, like to see what you can do using solely Paint.NET. You have effects down well, but I think you could try to focus more on the actual rendering of the sig subjects, or backgrounds. Just a thought, you're doing very well, Nab
  7. I didn't know you were Spartan Elite topHATslash -- good to know. Anyways, to keep things on topic -- I like you pyrosig rip LIL_MO -- it looks cool - I think the background vertical lines almost look like a plastic (good comment) Very good job -- hope to see some more from you!
  8. He'll set up a voting post, and a couple of days later all of the results will be in. After that, the post will be edited to show the winners. 1st 2nd and 3rd places are awarded (honorable mentions might, on a rare occasion, be included as well).
  9. Your question here isn't very clear... To download a new plugin, just go to the thread where it's displayed (in the plugin section of this forum). There, a Zip file download is provided. Download that to your desktop, and then extract to the effects folder you were talking about in your question. Does this answer your question? EDIT: beat by sabrown
  10. What a genius plugin! I love it -- very well done -- this will prove to be extremely useful!! Thanks for that vid, by the way , bb00, very useful for understanding this stuff. Nab
  11. Some people like to convert PS tuts into PDN tuts. It takes a bit more advanced of a user, so it might also not be to your taste, but it can yield amazing rewards. Other than that, all I can say is that you don't have to necessarily learn by just following tuts -- you can mess around by yourself, and you'll be surprised what you can come up with. After all tut writers didn't follow a tut to make their own Nab
  12. I agree with Madjik. While they are rediculosuly awesome masks, it isn't fair to people that posted before the masks were posted.
  13. Well you used them very well The planet almost looks like a crystal -- very good job!
  14. Yeah yeah YEAH. I know about the freaking box! [/sarchasm] The original pic I made was 1500x1500 (A square, for you nonmath geniuses). The light, obviously, got cut off at the border, because the zoom blur isn't restriced withing the canvas... so I created a linear gradient to get rid of the sidelines, but then the planet and sun were more transparent than I would have liked them. So I dupped the layer, lowered the opacity, and hoped no one would see the very faint vertical lines on the sides.... Guess I'ma have to do it again, huh. Oh well - I have 10 copies of the PDN, each in its own variation, it won't take too long. EDIT: Wow... I just realized there's that same problem on the planet - it shows elliptical lines... haha.. wow... -- They're due to the same reason, so no explanation is necesssary, sorry for the confusion. Anyways - that's not my point. What do you guys think of the parts of the picture I mentioned? Is the lighting on the planet correct, or did I drag it out too far back? @ASH -- You think the sun isn't bright enough? I was trying to show the detail - you know - like one of those Low UV pics from NASA that show off everything instead of a big white light. I'll try to see what it looks like with pumped brightness. Thanks Nab
  15. Alright guys, I've updated my gallery with yet another space image. I'm trying to get more elaborate -- working my way up to Helio :twisted: -- .... yeah -- so anyways -- I've been trying to get the lighting on the planet down -- I didn't use Shape 3D to add lighting-- so the shadows have been a bit more difficult. The sun looks pretty plain in the version I posted, but it's only awesome in its 1875 by 1500 px version. (When it gets shrunk down it loses a lot of quality for osme reason). Feel free to criticize your heart out.
  16. Dangit - I hate submitting things in early. Right after I posted everyone posted stuff way better than mine... I know this is very obviously not the case, but i feel almost as though certain people spun off of mine.... Oh well, I've learned my lesson. Great manips so far!! J2K -- I was trying to mess with the wheels like you did too, but didn't have as much luck -- you did a great job! Expired -- Wow -- you did an awesome job on yours, really cool effects- and the car black looks awesome! Jerkfight -- you should have given us a bigger pic -- I realize J2K submitted one in here, but I hadn't read the discussion thread.... So I got stuck with the mini one.... Awesome job everyone!
  17. Here' mine: There are a couple of seams from the cutting I did I don't like, but I'm pretty much pleased with it. While I usually go for desaturation, I decided to go for color this time, seeing as the beginning image was completely grey: 100% PDN Enjoy.
  18. Hey Jerkfight - why the new thread? I like your new theme "Jerkfight" in black letters like that is cool because it looks like the blur is writing the letters, instead of there being black text. (If you get what I'm saying) It's like on aoutline without it's insides - I like it.
  19. I'm frustrated about mine... Have you guys ever seen the cover box for Ati's Radeon x1300 Pro? Well it has an eye that had a whole bunch of awesome techy things going around it. (Link) I made a wallpaper that is an actually really close duplication (100% PDN - except for eye stock), but when I resized for the sig it just looked like a big blur... So I ended up having to change everything and go with an animation. I would upload my wallpaper but it's really, really big. I hope people respond well to my sig, nonetheless. I don't suppose I'm going to win, but I'd like to see that people think it's decent
  20. Here's mine. I started out with a great idea, but when I resized my pic into sig size (and not animated) it wasn't going to turn out so well, so I changed it. There is now no need for a stock, but it's under my layers anyways: A Healthy Human Eye Enjoy not being crazy.
  21. If you save as a .png, it still has transparency, but has NO quality loss. That way your colors remain just how you saw them in your PDN window. I prefer to save as .png over saving as .gif, unless I'm purposely not going for high quality.
  22. I like your idea on the dots on the cube -- they just need to be a bit more anti aliased. That also goes for yor sphere -- remember to check the box Anti-Aliasing" in Shape 3D. It will make the edges look much smoother. If you didn't save it as a .pdn, you can still apply a radial blur to the sphere (at very low degrees) and it will make the edges nicer. Good job overall, I hope to see a lot more from you! Nab
  23. 007 Nab


    I agree with LFC, it could easily pass as a bark texture for trees. Looks pretty cool!
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